Failsafe: Release

471 17 60

In the corners of his mind, All For One sat in a makeshift chair in front of a chessboard. On the board was sixteen white pieces which were the opposite to his sixteen black pieces.

AFO: Humility. Humility is the act of putting the needs of another person before your own, and thinking of others before yourself. But it is also a sign of weakness.

He said. Stretching his hand out to the board he looked carefully at his pieces, carefully planning out what move he should take. With a delightful humm he moved his hand over to his black pawn as he moved it a tile forward.

AFO: A great fool once said, 'Fear not, For I am here'. The reason why I called him a fool is because he died saying those last few words by the palm of my own hands.

He says as he watched on the opposite side a pawn had been moved as he smiled sinisterly.

AFO: So that's how you're going to play this? Let's see how long you can keep this game of rebellion and deliberant going. The board has been set.

He said as he moved his black pawn piece onto a tile facing the other pawn piece.
In space a large moving ship was flying over the moon as its shadow casted a large shade over it. As it was flying to Earth it became clear enough to be seen that it was a giant alien ship.

From earth both Green Lantern Hal Jordan and John Stewart flew away from earth as they headed towards the ship. Behind them, Batman flew in his bat plane as he looked at the ship ahead causing him to press a button.

Batman: Deploying camera units.

He said as from the ship two drone pods were dispatched from his ship as they flew into space behind the Green Lantern's as they broadcasted what was happening back to the cave.

GL John Stewart: Attention. You have entered the boundaries of Earth space. Disengage all weapons and engines. This is your final warning.

He spoke out to the ship.

In response the ship charged up its cannon as it fire a disintegrating ray vaporizing both Green Lantern's.

Batman: Code red. Full offensive deploy.

He said pulling down a lever as the bottom of the ship bay opened allowing Superman, Captain Marvel, Captain Atom, and Martian Manhunter to fly out of the ship as they went to go and attack the mother ship. Detecting incoming targets, the ship released another focused beam of disintegrating energy as the heroes maneuvered out of the way to dodge the blast. Unexpectedly the beams split apart following after them as they tried flying away only to succumb to its destructive power. As Batman tried flying the ship away a beam was sent after the ship as he ejected himself out in a pod and watched as it was destroyed.

As he sat in his pod he looked forward watching as the mother ship had released an armada of other ships as they flew out heading down into the earth. The pod then alarmed him of one incoming as he looked up to see a ship heading his way as it positioned itself in front of him as he could do nothing as the ship blasted him with a disintegrating beam.

{Mount Justice}
October 16, 16:01 EDT

Watching from in the cave Red Tornado switched over from the screen to receive an incoming call from Zatara.

Zatara: *Tornado, did you-*

Red Tornado: Yes, Zatara, we saw. Celestial defenses have failed. Initiate all terrestrial measures.

Zatara: *Affirmative. See you in the field.*

He told him as he ended the call. Turning around Red Tornado faced the team.

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