"Aye! Kibutsuji-San!" Makki ran up to the girl and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "You're officially apart of the team!" He grinned.

"Yeah..." She glanced at him before smiling slightly, "Uhm, call me Y/n. It's weird to be called by my last name."

Makki blushed slightly and nodded his head, "Got it, Y/n!"

Mattsun then ran up to the other side of her and asked, "Can I call you Y/n, too?"

"Sure?" She let out an awkward laugh.

"Ha! I already call her Y/n! Losers!" Oikawa stuck his tongue out and pulled down his eyelid.

"You did it without permission, Shittykawa." Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and shoved Oikawa to the bench, "Now go sit!"

"Waahhh! Iwa-Chan, I wanna play!" He whined.

Mattsun and Makki ended up going over to help set up the net. Y/n's eyes traveled down to Oikawa's right knee.

Her eyebrows raised up, 'He must be hurt...' Y/n's stomach churned in worry, 'Is he okay?'

She walked toward Oikawa, who was sulking on the bench as he watched the boys play.

"Uhm," she sat down beside him, "Oikawa-Senpai..."

The chocolate haired boy immediately lit up, "Yes, Y/n-Chan?" He smiled.

She pointed to his knee, "What happened?"

Oikawa cringed slightly and his eyes softened before going back to his normal happy look, "I just got hurt during a game. It's no problem! I'll be able to play soon." His eyes didn't hold confidence, they held doubt.

Y/n didn't say anything, she only looked down at his knee before looking back up at him in disbelief.

"Whatever you say, Oikawa-Senpai."

"You don't believe me?"


"Eh? Whyyy?" He whined.

"Because I've been in your situation before." Y/n whispered, but Oikawa heard.

"What situation?"

Her eyebrows furrowed, "Where you work yourself to fit others expectations." She held a soft but hurt look to Oikawa.

His eyes widened, "What?"

She only smiled sadly, "If you wanna talk about it, I'm here." Y/n put her hand on his shoulder and rubbed it, "Reassurance never hurt anyone."

"Y/n-Sama?!" Daki gasped when she saw the little girls beaten look, "What happened?!" She ran to the girl and kneeled down.

With her red eyes filled with tears, she whimpered, "I-I..." She bit her lip.

"N/n?" Muzan ran over to his daughter, "What happened?" He was trying his best to stay calm, but anger boiled within him.

Soon enough, he had called all of his gang members that lived in the mansion to sit in the living room and help his daughter feel better.

"Did someone hurt you, Y/n-Sama?" Akaza asked with a soft voice so he didn't scare the girl.

Y/n nodded reluctantly.

"Who?" Akaza grit his teeth.

"These two boys and a girl..." She whispered. She felt humiliated. "She pushed me... a-and when I tried to tell her to stop, this boy pulled my hair!" She cried, "And then another boy started to kick me!" Hot tears steamed down her face continuously.

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