Chapter 21

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I left Stiles at his jeep which I know probably isn't the best idea, but since he can drive and Scott is with Allison he couldn't be in much more danger than normal. I texted Scott "where are you" and he responded "Allison and I are in the woods. We will find you just come to the edge of the woods." So I came up there replaying my memory of doing the same thing from yesterday. I honestly don't know if this is going to work, I mean I think she has a soft spot for Scott, but I was one of the reasons she was killed. Stiles could have just as easily been me. I wish I would have been me.

"Lydia!" I heard Scott call out in the distance. "Over here!" I yelled. When they got over there I said, "Look Ally I miss you more than you could ever imagine. Scott got his time and now I want mine. Can we please just talk for a while?" "I suppose so, I really have missed you, I mean your like a sister to me." She smiled. Something had definitely made a huge difference. I have a good feeling that something was Scott.

We walked over to my house because my mom was away and we could talk more comfortably. "So I kind of already got the gist of how you back, but do you like being back?" I asked. "To be honest, yes. I loved it in heaven, but with the devil following me around all the time, it was almost a relief when he took me over. Almost I really just wanted to be peaceful and wait for all my friends and family. Even Stiles. But now I see how wrong I was. Being back is so much better." She had an evil gleam in her eyes again as she said that. "Well then in toast of you being back let's talk like old girlfriends shall we?" "Of course!" She said excitedly. "So what did you and Scott talk about?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "Basically everything." She said and laughed. "But that's not that important, are there any guys in your life??" She asked with a grin. "Actually there is," I started, "he's honestly the love of my life I think I've finally got it right. We were friends for the longest time and way too scared to share our feelings, but when we just very recently did. I felt so at peace and happy. Like I had finally found exactly where I'm supposed to be. I'm just so in love. He's my past, present, but there's the thing. Future. I don't know if he can be my future. I want him to be, but the future is so uncertain." I told her. "Wow." She looked impressed. "Who is it? Would I know them?" She asked. "Yeah that's the thing you know them pretty well. It's Stiles." I waited for her reaction as tears swelled up in my eyes. I didn't plan to put this on her so soon u just could t help it. "That's what you meant about the future isn't it?" She asked and she genuinely looked confused and concerned. "Look Lydia I love you, but I can't spend the rest of my life trying to fight this urge of deathly violence toward him. And honestly from what I remember you didn't love him enough to be with him so I just don't think I can believe you. I'm so sorry." She looked close to tears herself. I could tell we. We're already bringing her back. "Well then fight it, Allison. Fight as hard as you can."

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