Chapter 1

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"This memorial is in dedication of Allison Marie Argent, beautiful and brave girl, friend, daughter and so much more" you heard the priest saying, but you weren't really listening. His words were clouded with they overwhelming sense of huge loss all over again. It was supposed to be closure but it felt as if his heart of been ripped apart because even though he'd known for a while now it all still felt so new and unbelievable. He just had to keep his mind focused on the fact that she could finally rest in peace. He still felt terrible it had taken this long to get the funeral together but with all that had been going on the couldn't just give her a makeshift funeral. They wanted to make it perfect. They left the planning all to Lydia. She did a fantastic job. She made it really small so that everyone close to her did speeches and some of her other friends were there too. Lydia, Stiles, Mr. Argent, and I did speeches. The other invites were only Danny, Isaac, Melissa, the Sheriff and Kira. As much as I care for Kira it kind of felt like she was intruding on what I had with Allison and what Allison had said the night she died. It made me uncomfortable because this was a memorial dedicated to Allison and with Kira there beside me holding my hand it just didn't feel right. Especially with what I'm going to say in my speech.

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