During all the commotion, I heard Georgia to the left of me who was helping the culprit of the spillages up off of the floor.

"Leah, you need to get up or you'll get kicked out." Georgia whispered.

Although I hadn't known Georgia that long, I had quickly learnt that she was a very loud person, who didn't have an indoor voice. Therefore, Georgia's attempt at whispering much to her dismay had failed, causing the attendees of the celebrations to stop and turn to look in Leah's direction.

Although I was aware Leah was not a big drinker, I had never been in an environment like this with her before where I have witnessed just how low her alcohol tolerance really is. It had taken both Keira and Georgia, along with Beth to help Leah up off the floor.

Her hair was messy from the fall and her eyes looked dazed, which I assumed was through the alcohol she had consumed already.

Anyone who knew Leah, whether professionally or personally, was used to seeing Leah calm, cool, and collective who takes pride within her demeanour, drunk Leah seemed to be the complete opposite as she seemed unaware of her surroundings right now.

I watched on as Beth Georgia and Keira attempted to persuade Leah to drink a glass of water, despite Leah's several attempts to persuade them she was totally fine.

I don't think Leah had realized I had arrived at the party, and it was myself who she accidently knocked the drink over.

I continued to attempt to dry the spillage from my dress with Mary who was still offering her kind assistance.

"I think she may have had a little bit too much to drink" Mary giggled as she stood in front of me, her back facing Leah.

"Yeah, I think so too." I laughed back.

Out of nowhere, Leah had abruptly made her way over to Mary and I as she aggressively pushed Mary out of the way.

"What's going on here?" Leah snarled before throwing a glaring look towards Mary.

As her eyes returned to mine, I noticed how coldly she was looking at me. A significant difference to the usual warmth glow she has when we usually lock eyes with one another.

"W-what are you going on about?" I stuttered, in complete shock to the angriness of Leah's tone.

"You're over here flirting with my team mate, in front of my friends and you think that's acceptable?"

I was speechless, this was a side to Leah I had never seen before. The drunk-ness I can handle. But the accusations, the anger, and the jealousy which Leah was seething with at this moment in time was unacceptable.

I stood in silence in utter disbelief at the words which had just left Leah's mouth, before my own anger had overtaken my previous emotions.

"Are you joking with me? She was helping me because YOU spilt the drinks from the table which landed all over ME. Look at the state of me Leah." I hissed back at Leah, whose eyes were still coldly piercing through my soul.

"Can I also add, you haven't even said Hello to me?" I jabbed back at the blonde.

"Ohhhhh okay, I see."

"You think you can use that as an acceptable excuse to get cosy to my teammates. Is that why you're here? Am I just an excuse you're using to get close the team because you have your eye on someone else?" Leah shouted, once again gaining the attention of the other guests in the venue.

I could feel the anger building up from the stance Leah had now taken in front of me.

The blush which had crept upon my face was inevitable at this point as saying I was embarrassed was an understatement, I was mortified. How dare she accuse me of flirting with Mary. How dare she invite me here to embarrass me in front of all these people.

"Yeah, that's right Leah. I've came tonight to flirt with your teammates, I've opened up to you about my feelings and told you I love you and actually, it was all just a ploy to get invited tonight." I laughed sarcastically at how ridiculous Leah's accusations were.

"Don't try and act like you're innocent here because you're not. You're just like everyone else that try and get to know me because of the fame, you don't give a shit about me." Leah nonchalantly said.

I could feel the tears forming at the back of my eyes as my throat became scratchy in a bit to stop the tears from falling. I think I preferred Leah being angry, at least that way she had an excuse to say the things which she had said. However, the calmness of her voice throughout her last sentence broke my heart to pieces, she obviously believes those words.

By this point, the whole room was in silence as they watched the argument take place.

I decided I needed to get out of here, I needed to go back home. Leah was with her people, and despite knowing I had done nothing wrong; I had been made to feel as though I was the worst person in the world.

Removing my eyes from Leah's glare I decided not to speak any further, and instead picked up my bag and began to walk out of the revenue.

"Yeah, that's right, leave. Run away because you've been caught out." I hear Leah shout, her words slightly slurred due to her level of intoxication.

As soon as the fresh air hit my face the tears were inevitably now streaming down my face as though my eyes were waterfalls. I couldn't believe that tonight had taken a turn like this. She was so happy to see me at the game earlier so why had she now just treated me like that, especially in front of a room full of people.

I immediately booked an uber to take me home, the lightness of the world outside now illustrated how badly my dress looked after the spillage, I imagine my face didn't look any better as a result of the tears due to the struggle of holding back the sobs.

As I sat in the uber ready to leave, I noticed Beth leave the venue before running over to the driver, quickly opening the car door, preventing the taxi driver from driving off.

"Please don't go Mel, she didn't mean it, she's just drunk." Beth pleaded.

"I'm sorry Beth but that doesn't give her an excuse to speak or treat me the way she just did. I don't want to be anywhere near her."

"But – "

"Beth please go in and enjoy the celebrations, you deserve it. I should never have agreed to come. I'm going home.... Please tell Leah not to call or text me. I don't care whether it's when she's sober or not. I don't want to speak too her."

Although I could tell Beth wanted to persuade me otherwise, she decided to nod her head in agreement and slowly closed the uber door before offering a friendly wave goodbye.

And with that, I made my way back home, alone, and heartbroken at the events which had unfolded tonight.

Who knew that words could be so hurtful. 

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