Browncent/Old AU: Groceries

Start from the beginning

He was now intending to grab some frozen food, but the sound of footsteps that seemed to be overtaking him made him look back. The man approached William, who now stopped and turned around, apparently curious. "Thank you," he said.

Interestedly William lifted his eyebrows upwards, he couldn't help but chuckle. "For a strawberry milk? Really? You're funny." William turned around again and pushed his cart away, he allowed the man to step beside him, not the least bit bothered by him staring at him constantly. William opened the freezer for frozen food, before that he looked at the man. "Can you get that food over there?" he asked.

His request for help was immediately accepted, William pointed out what to take while he was about to put the sausages into the trolley. After a while they finished, William smiled a little. "Thank you," he said happily as he pushed his trolley back to the condiments section, the man was still following him. Maybe he should just talk to this weirdo. "So, are you here just to buy milk or following someone for no absolute reason?"

The question seemed to make the man momentarily stunned, then laughed nervously. "Sorry—it's just that strangers have never been this nice to me."

William tilted his head in confusion. "They didn't let you have the last strawberry milk?"

"No—I mean not only that ... but yeah I guess that counts too ...." The man's bicolored eyes moved the other way for a moment. "Usually they—you know, they don't really like my face." He shrugged his shoulders, William frowned. That person's face did have a pretty terrible wound on the left side, also his black eyes didn't look alive.

"I think you're pretty cool," William replied honestly while looking at the rows of ketchup bottles. "My face is also quite hideous because of an incident."

"But—to me you are quite—beautiful."

William turned his head quickly and he seemed taken aback by the reply, the man looked embarrassed. William flashed an amused smile and laughed again, this man was trying to be polite but too stiff. "Thanks again," William said. "I'm William, by the way."

He was dumbfounded at that and smiled broadly. "My name is Vincent Griffin! Pleased to meet you!"

Hearing that name, William winced slightly. A simple coincidence but felt horrifying. William tried to be casual and nodded. "Nice to meet you too, Griffin."

He let Vincent continue to follow him in the supermarket while he looked for his own needs. He didn't mind Vincent's presence too much, he didn't do anything anyway; instead being glad he helped him pick up a few items. He was quite grateful for Vincent's help. They were now in the snacks section, William intended to buy his children at least stock of snacks for several weeks.

"You can put your milk in the trolley, I'll pay for it for you," William said while staring at the row of chocolates in front of him. He glanced at him briefly, Vincent still rooted to the spot with his strawberry milk on his hand. "What? You helped me, at least I can pay for your milk."

"Oh, thanks." The Griffin smiled nervously before putting the milk box into the trolley. "I was hoping you could repay me with something else."

William turned his head curiously. "And what's that?"

For a moment Vincent was silent, he seemed hesitant to say it and was a bit shy. It didn't take long for Vincent to look him in the eye. "Maybe—maybe we can have tea together, tomorrow, or next week, or whenever you're free if you want!"

"Oh?" William gave a thin smile, he didn't expect that. "With pleasure."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." William took his phone out of his pocket. "Give me your number, I'll call you later."


Vincent took out his phone quickly, he seemed enthusiastic. William smiled briefly, before listening to the telephone number dictated by the man. He saved the contact, then put his phone back in. "I'm looking forward to our tea time," William said as he stared at Vincent.

"Me too!" Vincent answered quickly, before he appeared to be both dumbfounded and embarrassed that he had answered so fast. His cheeks reddened upon hearing William laugh. Then his watch rang, Vincent turned it off and his forehead furrowed while William looked at him. "My break time is over," he said, almost sounding like a grunt. "I need to go to my office."

"How about your strawberry milk?"

"You can take it." Vincent flashed a smile to William. "See you later!"

William gave a small nod and watched Vincent run away from there—looking in such a hurry. He didn't wonder why the man's look was messy anymore, his work was probably very important. William smiled faintly, it was quite pleasant to spend time with the Griffin. He took out his phone again and glanced at the contact he had just saved there, his smile still stuck on his face.


That voice was so familiar to the ear, William turned his head back in shock. "Vincent," he said in disbelief, how long had his twin been there? "Since when did you come back?"

"Just now, you guys weren't home, so I teleported to you." Vincent shrugged his shoulders before giving a crooked smile. "Sorry, by the way. You still haven't finished shopping?"

"As you can see." William shrugged nonchalantly.

"I will help you then."

"Go ahead."

At least he had enough fun with the other Vincent today and looking forward for their tea time.

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