"Moving-In Part 4"

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I then went to restroom brushed my teeth took a bath. Noah went to his room. I and Noah had breakfast and then went to office like a ideal partners. We came home by 7pm. I was too tired. Noah got a call he went to his other room because renovation is going on in his old room. I then took a bath and changed into my PJs (pyjamas) and went to sleep. I was so tired I couldn't wait for Noah so I headed to sleep. It was morning 8am. I woke up with Noah's hands wrapped around my waist. I looked at him and smiled ,things really take a turn !here I am in a same bed with a person who I hated... Life can be unpredictable... Just hope for the best. I slowly get out of the bed without waking Noah. I went to restroom brushed my teeth and took a cold bath and came outside. By the time, Noah woke up "Good Morning Pookie Bear"! I said "Morning Noah" He then came towards me and pulled my waist and kissed me...Oh... Wow! We broke the kiss as Noah's phone was ringing. He was annoyed. I chuckled at his expression... "We will continue this baby"! I smiled at him. "Alessio! Ok bene! volerò oggi con il mio jet privato".(Alex! okay fine! will fly today in my private jet.) I didn't understand what language was Noah speaking. May be Italian... He is from Italy right..!

He said "Selin! I am going to Greece for a week! I have an important meeting there! " I opened my mouth"What!?... One week ? I will be all alone Noah"!He chuckled looking at my expression "Oh Selin... I will come soon. It's just one week! Time will fly... And you are not alone here you have Julie, Bella and Lisa will also be here!" I looked at him " But you won't be here... I will miss you" I said by pouting my lips. "Oh... you are so cute! I will miss you too my pumpkin! I will come soon okay." I nodded my head. I asked " When are you going?" he said "Tonight«" I said "Oh okay fine". He kissed my lips and went to pack. Noah going to Greece made me upset. I am going to miss him! It was evening, Lisa came to give me company as I am alone in home yeah I have Julie and Bella but still... I wanted someone to sleep with me because at night all maids will go home and I will be alone. Noah talking with Alex "È tutto pronto? Alessio? "(Is everything ready Alex?) ... "Si Capo" he answered.(yes boss)!
Noah turned to me "Selin! Take care baby!I am gonna miss you! " he then kissed my forehead and then my lips. "I am gonna miss you too Noah! Take care and call me when you reach there! And Please come back soon!" he pecked my lips "Sure my love" he said! He then went out and popped inside the black Limo. I said bye. Lisa came and hugged me "Oh Sweetie!... Don't be sad! Now come on Let's order something" She dragged me to the couch. Yes! I forgot that I am hungry... Lisa ordered pizza. We had our dinner and headed to sleep. It was night 10pm. I took a bath and changed into my PJs. Lisa is talking with her boyfriend. I texted to Noah (I already miss you so much come fast Noah). I then called my mom and spoke to her for kind of half an hour.

I am so addicted to Noah. I miss him so much. Lisa and I slept in my bed. Morning we have decided to go to shopping. Lisa"Selin! Come fast you are taking so much time" I growled "Why are you in a hurry «?" She said "I am in hurry Because my boyfriend will be waiting for me" she shouted from down. I then took my purse and my phone and ran downstairs. I got inside the car and the driver took us to the mall. We went inside and spotted Chris Lisa's boyfriend. We three then went shopping and returned home by 7pm. The next day, Lisa "Selinn!!! Get ready We are going to a party«'" I growled "What Party!?" Then she "One of my friend has opened a club nearby and he welcomed us" I then went to my room and changed into a party wear dress which I bought from mall today.

 The next day, Lisa "Selinn!!! Get ready We are going to a party«'" I growled "What Party!?" Then she "One of my friend has opened a club nearby and he welcomed us" I then went to my room and changed into a party wear dress which I bought from mal...

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