Prologue {Edited}

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"Another draw, Miss Sitori?" The young chestnut-haired guy adjusted his rectangular glasses and set aside the black pawn he had been absentmindedly twirling in his hands.

He was an ordinary guy in the academy's uniform. That was the only way to describe him.

Externally, he didn't stand out. If anything... that's what was strange.

His uniform was perfectly pressed, neat chestnut hair of medium length falling onto the rectangular black-framed glasses, a slightly pale face, and kind dark pools for eyes that drew you in with some kind of... care and goodness. He was practically a gray mouse. He could easily fade into a crowd.

The girl sitting in front of him, considered one of the idols of the academy, had more than once caught herself having strange thoughts and actions. She felt an odd attraction to this student. The slender dark-haired girl with oval glasses and dark frames had noticed this strange student almost immediately. For some unknown reason, he intrigued her, not as a human... but as a demoness.

But what or why? He appeared to be an ordinary mortal, fairly intelligent, but there was something off about him. Her intuition screamed about it!

He had enrolled in the former girls' academy, which had recently become co-ed. On the first exam, he had scored the highest in tests, on par with the academy's smartest girl and the head of the student council, Sona Sitori, who was now sitting in front of him and blinking foolishly.

He had an impeccable reputation both among the few boys and the girls. If he had wanted to, he could have easily become the school idol, like the Gremory's Horse, but he simply wasn't interested.

Although, what is there to say when he has a secret fan club of three dozen admirers?

I wonder if he knows about it? What do those alluring eyes think about? Why can't one of the smartest demonesses of her time beat him in chess, when she's the best at the game? What is her intuition trying to tell her?

Hundreds of questions rapidly flashed through Sona's mind as her rationality drew lines and highlighted oddities that were immediately countered by the facts from the guy's background, meticulously gathered by her investigators.

A perfect family. His father was a musician, his mother a very famous artist. They had moved to this city six months ago, settling in the mansion they had purchased not far from an abandoned church.

They had changed their place of residence because they learned about one of the best academies in Japan, which had recently started accepting male students. In the personal file, it was mentioned that under hypnosis, the parents simply wanted their child to receive the best education.

Nothing strange about it... as if it were a mockery!

Eighteen-year-old Neo Mori had never had problems with the law. There was even information that he had once saved a girl from a truck, breaking his arm in the process due to a bad landing. This was reported three years ago in the city newspaper from his previous place of residence, the city of Oita.

There were no issues in school either. Everything was calm, no conflicts with teachers or students... it was impossible.

How could this even be? Sona had a feeling that an invisible zone of calmness surrounded Neo, as if his mere presence had a soothing effect.

Or maybe it was charisma? Sona had felt something similar from the current Satan and her best friend Rias' brother, Lucifer Sirzechs, on occasion.

Or what? Perhaps it was magic... no, that was nonsense. Sona felt nothing from the guy. Yes, like in every living being, she sensed a faint thread of energy in him, but not on the level of a magician.

God of the New World [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora