Chapter 4

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Notes for readers, this chapter has not gone through editing, so if you see some strange title, know this fanfic is a translation into English.


- You're not a vampire... - I never said I was a vampire.

- I never said I was a vampire. - I never said I was a vampire," Neo agreed, sitting back in the comfortable leather armchair with his leg over his head.

In a spacious, darkened room, with tall candles flickering in the corners, two people sat across from each other-a young boy in a school uniform and a very tall creature completely hidden by a hoodie.

The creature's long, nearly five feet long arms trembled softly in endless pain, and its coal-black claws, visible from under its sleeves, slowly dripped blood, sprinkling the white floor drop by drop.

- Give me one good reason why I can't drink you dry, you human brat!

- I have ten. - Five pairs of snow-white wings appeared abruptly from behind the boy, lighting up the room with white light and enveloping Neo like a cloak. A halo of gold flashed above Mori's head, and his dark eyes slowly turned golden, blazing with otherworldly lights.

- Grrrah! - The creature tried to cover the hood with its gray arms, and convulsed in pain, howling in a thin voice. - Please, stop it!

- I will, you beast. - slowly said Neo, looking up at the wretched creature, sobbing in pain. - I'll stop it when you realize what you're in for. If you try to call for help, there won't even be ashes left of your nest. I, Archangel Jophiel, known as the Seals of God. Known as the Beauty of God. I will destroy everything here. Do you understand me, Nosferatu?

- Got... Understand...

The spectacle ceased at once, and the wings and halo slowly melted into the air, only the eyes glowing with gold, telling me that what had just happened was no dream.

- Listen, you creature of God. God* sent me to this sinful earth because he's ready... - Neo smiled, like a father watching his child's first steps. - To forgive you and the sin of your progenitor.

- You... - The old vampire couldn't believe what he was hearing, slowly calming the horror of what he was seeing and the plethora of emotions that erupted. - Is it true?

- It really is. - Maury agreed, crossing his arms in his lap. - God is willing to restore your humanity by forgiving the sin of Cain. Too much time has passed, He is tired of seeing the evil of the past slowly accumulate itself through the centuries. Multiplying itself... If you ask me, I would destroy you all. To see you wreaking your miserable existence in the darkness of night... It pains me to see how what was originally man, in His image, has turned into you miserable disfigured creatures. But I am not Him, and it is not for me to judge you...

The vampire listened in horror and awe to the words of the creature sitting before him.

With the edge of his consciousness he sensed that something was wrong. Why couldn't he feel the overwhelming power of the Archangel? He had only heard of them, but he had never seen them in real life... Oh, and the vein of blood that was beating on the guy's neck? Or the faint smell of blood that... no, impossible! Could an Archangel drink a man's blood and not become the Fallen One?!

- Blood... you drank blood?!

- I am willing to repeat the deed of Adam and Eve, if that is what it takes to fulfill his thoughts. - Naeo answered calmly, neither denying nor confirming Nosferatu's words. - Why do you think I have not fallen? As long as my Will and Faith in Him is firm, I will not fall... - Mori clapped his hands sharply, making the vampire flinch. - Now, creature, answer the question. Are you ready to do His Will, or have I gone through all this humiliation for nothing? Are you ready, Lamork, to become human again? Are you willing to do His Will for this?

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