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To Alpha J. Ames:

My Alpha, 

I write this letter and report of recent events taken place in today's Court session in hopes that you are well and that it will aid in our ongoing battle against the treachery staining the governance of our many shared lands.

Standing amongst the many lords and ladies of The Court, I have felt a growing sense of tension and concern.

The lecherous eternals whose thirst for power and aristocracy has finally begun to bleed into their own relations. 

The lord you have sent me to serve, Ambrose, has lost much popularity amongst his fellow vampiric kin due to his own greed and anger, destroying his alliances. He is demanding an increase in his land , an increase in soldiers more than ten times his current holdings. I fear for his reasons behind such requests but as you and I are well aware, their access to resources affects us all.

Many of the eternals disagreed with this decision including the Grand Eternal who's throne seems to remain unthreatened.

In agreement with him was Queen Evangeline of the Fae whom he insulted by calling their lack of violence and force a weakness. 

The generals of our sibling Lycan packs also resisted this idea at growing or assisting with vampiric influence though , as always, they have chosen to leave me out of their private discussions.

Lord Ambrose stormed away from the meeting, declaring change would take place peacefully or by force.

The other court members did not take his threat as promise and dismissed shortly after discussing plans and preparations for the fortnight's coming Blood Moon.

My Alpha, I write this letter even as I am engulfed by my own uncertainty for the future.

For the protection of my pack and to keep you informed of the governmental decisions and behaviors our kind is not welcome to, I am shunned by both my kin , my pack, and the members of The Court alike.

Ambrose has travelled elsewhere for the time being.  I will discover the full details of his plan and keep you aware. Though this task has separated me from the physical comfort of our pack, I carry your spirits with me.

Please send any forward instructions through the usual route.

With my unwavering loyalty, your general,
Amilio Ames

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