S2 EP:2 A Fatal Contract

Start from the beginning

"Why are you sitting back here, Harps?" Ariana asked

"I can't be next to stupid Griffin" Harper mumbled


"I thought he was your 'Griffey'" Ariana spoke

"It's a long story" Harper slouched in her seat. Ariana slouched with her

"If your upset, I'm upset" Ariana declared

Harper giggled "At least I have you, Ari" She sighed

"Forever" She smiled

That's when the 1st-period bell rang. The class was now in session.

"Ok, Boys and Girls" Mrs. Kincaid traveled to the front of the room

"We have a pretty simple day, today, just looking more into informational texts"

"But, I have a little surprise for you guys. Anyone want to guess what it is?"

Half the class raised their hand

"Gabe" Mrs. Kincaid called on

"You finna take us to Disney?" Gabe guessed

"This school broke remember?" Harper could not help but mention.

A chuckle escaped Griffin's lips as he heard. Harper noticed and tried to hold back a smile.

"Well, I'm not taking anyone to Disney World" Mrs. Kincaid reassured

"Told ya, Gabe" Bailey spoke up

"Shut up" He chuckled before the eleventh-grade students all shared a laugh

"Ok, forget I said surprised. We have a new student joining us today" Mrs. Kincaid smiled

"And I was just starting to vibe with this class" Ariana complained

"She's nice" Mrs. Kincaid confirmed

"What's her name?" Griffin rose an eyebrow


Griffin grew wide eyes

"Alexis what?" He eagerly asked

"Royal I believe," Mrs. Kincaid said

"No, No, No, No" Griffin repeated over and over again, until the classroom door opened, revealing the demon herself.

"Alexis" Mrs. Kincaid smiled, before gently giving her a hug

"Class this is Alexis" Mrs. Kincaid introduced

"Lexi" Griffin couldn't help but groan

"You to know each other?" Mrs. Kincaid questioned

"Yeah, we go way back" Lexi smiled

Harper made a confused face

"That's great, maybe Griffin can show you around" Mrs. Kincaid suggested

"Would you, Griffey?" Lexi asked

"Griffey?" Bailey mouthed, before looking at Harper. She just shrugged.

Griffin nodded, with a forceful smile it felt like.

"Awesome" Mrs. Kincaid commented. She then told Lexi to sit at a desk, and she obviously chose the empty one next to Griffin.

"Ok Class, Let's show Alexis how we work"


Time elapsed. As everyone began to become comfortable around Lexi, Griffin found himself unable to comprehend her presence. Having left Sulphur Springs district for a private school, why had she now returned? It made little sense to Griffin. Though he felt terrible about Lexi's situation, he could only guess at how Harper was feeling after she "Griffey'd" him. Fortunately, time flew by quickly, and soon the bell signaled the end of the period.

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