very small sneak peek

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wspppppppppp?  how are you guys, summer break is here!  HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 🔴🧡🟨💚 🔷💜🏳‍🌈


Dreams POV

I slowly woke up in water this time the big eyed angels weren't staring at me, no they were look at something behind them. I walk slowly to them to see what they were looking at, i soon heard talking it was glowing and it was a human look thing. It had four arms and there were screen looking things around it. it kept talking to the angels about a plan 


this is a sneak peek so this is not a chapter but i will be editing some chapters so little heads up on that. also i wont be posting this month, next month though, but this chapter with have 1000 to 2000 words hopefully so yeah. One more thing is that is if the videos in the chapters become unplayable idk what other way to fraze it, put a comment down a i will put up a new video for yall so yea. hugs for all yall that have made it this far into the story ok bye see you in the next chapter 😘✌    

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