↯▲You Good ?◧≭

655 17 14

I hope u have a wonders of a day my loves and dreamers

also this example means the character is thinking in their mind

                                                                             Sam POV

 I was walking towards Quackity and a slime?

"hi Quackity whats u here early then normal? and whats with the slime?"

"He has a name dingbat and the reason i came so early is to teach my scholar to always be early even when its not necessary and now i have to teach him how to make people feel pain but physically; Also his name Slimecicle" he said sounding like he wanted to stop talking

"Ok nice to meet you Slimecicle" as i held out my hand 

" Quackity from Las Nevadas what do i do? " he said staring at Quackity

"You grab his hand and shake it up and down, k"

" ok Quackity from Las Nevadas" as shook my hand

We walked in the prison and the slime has to sign papers it was a pain just getting through this. As time moved on Quackity handed the slime an sword while he had a axe in his hand. I splashed fire resistance potion on the both of then and some on me just uncase.  

"K, you know the rules dont kill each other, dont kill dream but u can hurt him and dont throw the dam clock in the lava k, ok have a fun time i guess" i spoke

"Thats all the rules dingbat from the prison ?" he said

"my name is not 'dingbat from the prison' its Sam just Sam nothing else and yes those are the only rules" i said with annoyance in my voice


Technoblade POV 🕊 ❤

Voice #432 Why did sam put us here???

Voice #390 capital 'S' moron 


Voice #4531 Dang quite, down im trying to sleep 

Voice #5827 ok do we have any clue why Sam put us in a different cell then dream?

Voice #934 idk but EeeEEEeeeeeeeeEEEEEeeeeeeEEEE to dream i hope he doesn't die with out us in there

Voice #875 EEEeeeeeeeEEEE

Voice #109 EEEEEEee

Voice #966 wound u guys stop it!

Voice #444 dream most likely has a visitor and he doesn't want us interfering

very smart 444 but how do we know its not Philza or Ranboo?

Voice #749 if it was Philza he would most likely not let him in since you are so close to him

true well we going to have to see what happens then to dream 

( ̄︶ ̄) back to Big Q   ( ̄︶ ̄)

"Hello dream, what has been going, well hopefully good cuz im going to enjoy ruining ur day" spoke Quackity

"Hello dream from the dream Smp, we will now be hurting you in painful ways, and you can call me Mr. Slime please and thank you" Slimecicle said

"well done Slime, now back to point" he said while he swing his axe across his arm


(im sorry that the povs r so short ╯︿╰)

i slash his arm blood doesn't come out right away but it came out slowly like creek. he pushed back with his feet, he hit the rough obsidian.  

"thats going to be a problem" i whisper to Slimecicle

"Whats going to be a problem sir?" he whisper back

" his legs, we need to get his legs or his feet" said i quietly  

"Slime u know what to do" i spoke out loud  

he nodded back at me

Slimecicle slashed both of his legs and kicked him in the side of the stomach. A puddle of blood was forming around his legs and arm. At the time i felt bad but at the same time i felt like a GOD.  Slime was still beating him with end of the sword. time flew real fast i taught Slimecicle the basics of swordsmanship.  Sam yelled at as that it was time to go he didn't see dream well, cuz he was in the corner.

Sam yelled at us to leave dream wraps and one bottle of medicine. He sent the meds and the wraps on the platform. 

"Slime put it on his bed then we'll go" i spoke

Slimecicle did what quackity told him to do what the stepped on the platform. 

(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づSkip a a minute or two in the future   (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ


"bye Quackity, bye Slimecicle come back soon" i said with tiredness in my voice

today has been a long day i have to still put technoblade in the cell. walk into the cell were he is and take him to the main cell. technoblade was dragging his feet while walking over to the main cell.

"Sam why does it smell like blood?" he said, but  his eye said tell me now or ur head will on a stick 

"If u go to main cell u will find out" i said looking at him smiling 

OK thats the end of todays part of the story hope guys have good day also if someone gets on ur nerve just remember 

words: 847 

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