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hello, i just went other all the new followers we have Wow just Wow i am just out. When i saw it i was like Shut the front door 😲and i am just happy that you dreamers like so lets see if we can get to 9 followers I hope you enjoy this chapter. (the vid have nothing to do with the chapter its just spooky 🎃👻)

also this example means the character is thinking in their mind  

Technoblade P.O.V

Dream started to shake i got a little scared I took his temp. It was [91.7] from what i can remember a book I read that its mild hypothermia. I carefully picked him up an put him close to lava but not to close. He started move in a little ball, it looked depressing and sad. After a few minutes of waiting for him to wake up i looked at my innovatory to see a book i forgot to take out. I opened it up it was a Notebook with a little calendar on the top right hand corner. It had nothing written it in. I wonder how did the book get in my inventory, i looked around, i looked in a chest to see some quills and ink.

Dream P.O.V   

I woke up in my bed on techno's chest, his chest was warm and his sent was cinnamon and coffee. I closed my eyes for a bit, all the blood lost is really getting to me. I stood up very slowly the wounds are still fresh and hurt. I saw a Notebook on the floor, it had nothing in it. I wrote somethings in it, wrote how i have been feeling lately and that i really just want to pass out in techno's arms and not wake up. What didn't know techno was right behind me reading all it, i felt arms on my chest. It was techno i grabbed the book and throw it in the lava.

"I didn't see you there tech" I said

"I didn't know you felt that way Dream" he said looking at me with worried look

"What do you mean im all good" i said with a little smile

"sure you are, read what you wrote, Hey look at me do you want to talk about it?" he said holding my chin up

"Fine but, don't tell anyone i told you this i dont want anyone using these against me"

he nodded at the terms, begin to tell him about how i knew about XD coming and that Quackity has been beating me up everyday or 5 times every week. He was to tuned to talk( do you get the reference ( •̀ ω •́ ))  He put his hand on my back giving me a big embrace i was surprised. I haven't gotten hugged in over a year, I guess it does feel good when someone hugs you. 

"hey tech can i tell you something that i never told anyone else"

"ofcourse, what is it?"

"Me and drstia aren't really brother and sister, im adopted"

"your an orphan?"

"i mean no and yes, it kind of confusing, you see my real parents i don't remember them well not my real mom at least, and i have 2 other brothers and one older sister" i said looking down

techno had no facial expressions, i felt i told him to much


thats all for to day and sorry thats its so short i hope you have a good and yes i will add some of my own characters just for the fun of it and the characters will have lore in dreams past what future events get ready


see you soon, also i think im going to a beginning video then a ending video 

words: 616

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