⨇⇨Sleep my child sleep⪥⁂

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hello my dreamers, i hope you like these videos of the chapter and I will be fixing up some chapters here and so don't mind that. And some might know that i got sick (again 😒). But just like i promised if you look at my Profile and scroll down to my last message that i pinned it has my prosmiss right there. so yea hope you like give me ideas maybe, maybe not ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ 


Techno's POV

Dream has just been passed out on my cape for the last 3 hours I don't know what nap or dream he's having but I want some of the sleep too. I carefully lifted up dream on the bed, as soon as i set him down this teletubby of a a man has the audacity to all most kick me in the nuts. 

"You know what Smiley! Fuge you too!" my chat was getting all angry at me for yelling at a half dead man but still!

I soon got tired of hearing them complain, I leaned back and sat against the wall it was cold for some odd reason I looked at the clock it said 2:23 A.M . I some how fell asleep, when I woke up it said 1:42 P.M (for my people who have military time/24 hour clock its 13: 42) I looked at Dream this man really still sleeping he must be having the best dream ever or something. After the I zoned out thinking about my potato's and Phil I saw the lavafall stop falling. I saw Sam? 

"What do you want Samy!" I yelled

"First off my name is not Samy second off how s Dream doing?he said walking on the magic moving bridge

"I mean if sleeping for 12+ is good then yea he doing fine" 

"More than 12 hours of sleep dam I don't even get 7 hours, I want what he's having" Samsaid walking off the magic bridge

"You think he's in a coma?" I asked 

"no, well maybe he did lose a hell lot of blood sooo"

I gave him a side eye, the voices started to get all mad again. I picked up my cape and the thin blanket too, I folded my cape and put in the chest with all of dreams books . I look inside the chest it is really messy, know what im going to be doing when Sam leaves. I also fold the blanket to, i look back to see Sam kneeling down to Dream's bed side, he was checking Dream temperature.

"Hey Techno, Dream is 103ºF" He said sitting down

"Yea thats not good, but he should rest, he been through hell of a lot" I say

"Good point, I should be heading out I get some more meds for Dream tomorrow since I'm helping Ponk with a build today" Sam said standing up

When Sam left got to work i emptied the chest and I got carried away a I read some of Dream's books. One of books were named 'To The Person Who Aids Me' It wrote I will sleep for three days then cough up blood the next. You might think im dead but keep me on the bed,day four i will rise with a scroll at hand. Now Dream writes the weirds things, well im going to sleep.

"Night Chat!" I say passing out in a blink of an eye

Dream's POV 

Man why am I on floor what did I do? I looked around to see I was in the city i grew up in. That gross i woke up on the dirty concrete. I guessing im still dreaming I walk along the sidewalk to my house again?  I knock at the door, my sister answers it again.

"what are you doing back?" My sister asked

"And where is the scroll I gave you, Dream?" She asked again

"I have no idea, I woke up over there on the sidewalk" I pointed to the back of me

"huh, I guess you're going to be here while aren't you?" She said 

" I guess" I shake because of the cold air

"come in, come in your going to catch a cold if you stand there any longer" she said as she rushed me inside

"Now, get comfortable this is your house, you're just not living in it, also would you like tea or  hot cocoa?" she asked me walking towards me

" It is cold soooo, I'll take a hot cocoa!" I said

"One hot cocoa coming right up" she yelled from the kitchen

~5 minutes later ~ 

"Here you go Dream, be careful it's hot" she said sitting down 

 "So how has it been with Dream SMP, I heard there was a tyrant named 'Dream', you ever met him?" she asked with a smile on her face

"No I have never seen or met him in my life" I said in a joke able voice 

We laughed for bit, I asked what type of tea see was drinking she said that she was drinking honey and mint. I thought we only had Green tea and white tea. 


Hope you like this chapter what do u think will happen next? Love you guys !

Words: 854

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