One day India was fed up with Jalen's bullshit, so she confronted him about it. When she did, it didn't end so well on her part, he made India feel like she was making things up in her head and she was just being insecure and paranoid. India's saw through his sneaky ways and still presumed to call him out on his bullshit. When she tried she was only left with bruises from the abuse Jalen had left upon her body.

India always was taught to never let a man put their hands on you, she was told to walk away from the situation and not stick around for it but when it happened to her she took it because she didn't believe the person that loved her so much would physically harm her. After it happened he claimed it was a mistake and he would never do it again but it kept happening, until India had enough and just left one day never turning back.
Remembering all the things she went though India starts to have flashbacks of the abuse she received from her ex boyfriend, but was broken from that trance by being shaken by her sister.

"hey India you okay?" Jhené asked concerned.

"yea, I'm fine was a little triggered by hearing his name." India replied

After India's little moment her and her sister continued to her talk amongst each other catching up. The time with the two sisters came to an end they both shared the final goodbyes with each other before parting ways.

"bye nae, love you! Tell nami we gonna her and auntie India gonna have a girls day soon." She said as she makes her way to the door.

"bye Indi, love you too. I'll tell her, she gone be happy to spend some time with her auntie." Jhené said as she referred to her 5 year old daughter namiko.

India gets into her car making her way to the next destination for today, sending chris a text she lets him know that she'll be there in 30 minutes.


India's Apartment
8:00 PM

Afters a long relaxing shower India steps out feeling refreshed and relaxed, as she wraps the towel tightly around her body she hears a knock come from her front door. Looking through the peep hole to see who it is she see's chris.

Opening the door to let chris in, "hey indi-"'
chris paused as he saw India at the door.

"hey, come in let me finish putting in my clothes real quick you can wait for me in the living room." She said as she opened the door wide for him hiding herself behind the door. As he walks in she closes the door behind him, scurrying off to her bedroom to finish getting dressed.

Chris takes a seat on the love seat in the living room he finds the remote to the tv turning it on the skimming through channel on TV until he found a movie for them to watch. A fully clothed India makes her present aware again as she takes a seat beside chris.

"how was your day?" She asked

"It was okay, nun to special happen. How was your?" He responds

"It was good, went and visited my sister today."

"oh okay." Nodding his head at her response as he turns his attention back to the movie on tv.

As the night continues on the two end up talking until they fell asleep on top of each other. India ending up on top of chris laying on his chest comfortably, chris holding onto India tightly with his arm wrapped around her waist. Ever since the night they meet at the club they have been around each other almost everyday, building a friendship with each other but they have grown comfortable with each other in a good way.

Even though chris friends may have thought he just hanging around India so he can fuck then dip, but it's not even like that no more. He genuinely likes hanging being around her because he could be himself not the singer chris brown, he also liked how they were able to have simple conversations with each other and have connections on so many different levels.

Chris has grown more liking to India since they met, he's grown past liking her more as a friend it's way past that. He really liked her and hopes that one day he can let her know how he feels, but until then he just gonna keep quite.


New character unlocked:

India's Ex-Boyfriend

JalenIndia's Ex-Boyfriend

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(edited verison)

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