Awaken the Beast inside

Start from the beginning

"ENOUGH!" Turles yelled as his sheer aura destroyed the black whips and sent the pair backwards and Turles quickly turned his eyes to Mirio who he quickly flew towards at a shocking speed which even too fast for Mirio's danger sense and dragged Mirio by the face through rubble before slamming him into a crater below.

Turles quickly reacted to Iida trying to back kick Turles from behind by stopping it with his wrist and the two stared intensly before they both turned into a blur.

At high speeds they fought across the entire tree with their lighting speed but while they seemed fairly even in speed Turles has the strength with Turles first hitting IIda with an elbow and clash again for Turles to knock Iida over the head and finally sending him down to the ground.

Todoroki catches Iida mid air and creates a barrier of Ice around the two, It wouldnt hold for long but it will buy time for them to recover.

"Dammit, He's far stronger than we thought" Todoroki comments as the ice starts to crack.

"Todoroki, If I gain enough velocity I could hit him with enough force to defeat him. Can you hold him off for a good minute" IIda says.

"...I think go!" Todoroki says as the ice suddenly breaks.

Todoroki flares his Ki and charges right at Turles to distract him.

Iida then quickly flies up to the sky, further than the clouds, Corrin, Kami's lookout and up into the atompshere.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Iida charges up to his maximum before charging right back to the Earth.

Meanwhile Todoroki was not fairing well against the Space Pirate being thrown through tree branches and kicked in the ribbs by Turles but still had enough Ki to fight on.

"Im done with you!" Turles yells about to fire a beam at Todoroki until he suddenly senses a large Ki approach Earth.

"What the!" Turles says in shock and is about to fire at Iida until his arms are suddnely covered in Ice making it hard to move.

He then saw Mirio appear and cover him in black whips.

"DO IT NOW IIDA!" Todoroki and Mirio said almost synced.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" IIda yelled coverd in a blue aura as it hits Turles.

"I-Impossible!" Turles yells as the attack hits causing a large explosion which could be seen from space.


"Ah!" Suddenly Iida woke up from falling uncouncious dusting off the rubble that fell on him.

"Is everyone okay?" Iida yelled out.

"Y-Yeah Im alright" Mirio says getting up.

"Did that do it?" Shoto says gripping his chest.

The three investigate the large crater made by Iidas super attack to disscover...

"HE'S GONE?!?!" They all said in unison as they quickly turn their heads to see a newly created fruit off the tree of might disssapear.

"Bravo,Bravo heroes you certainly put up a good fight. However now you stand no hope for I will transition into becoming a GOD!" Turles laughs as he takes a bite out of the tree.

Suddenly a red glow engulthed the entire world with Turles laughing manically.

"HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!" His voice began to echo as his strength.

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