27: New help

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I gotta admit, I was mad. They went out to a club, ok, they left without protection nor telling anyone where they went, that's why I was mad. It's too dangerous for any of them to be out right now and I didnt wanna risk it. I'm just glad I saw her before that bastard laid a filthy finger on her.

Luna did have a point though, it was tense around here lately so a little get away wouldnt hurt. As promised, I didnt tell anyone what happened, not even Mama, but I did chat to her about the whole 'getting a break' idea and she said it would be fine if we were well secured. Me and Miku decided to take the brothers and sister out to relax, visit a few places that they liked. Of course, me and Miku had loaded guns and weapons on us in case of attacks, we also had 5 of our snipers follow us from the shadows just for safe measures.

The first stop was an amusement park that they always go to for Zanes birthday, which he still loves since age 5.

"Loo Loo Wonderland!" Zane shouted excitedly as his siblings followed. Us two looked at the other with confusion as how someone finds excitement in things like this. I guess because we've never really been to an amusement park before, not to enjoy anyway. The siblings showed us all types of civilian things like food trucks and cotton candy and cheap, rigged games to with silly prizes. There were also rides that involved speed and crazy turns.
Now that's my type of entertainment.

"Common, you two. Let's go on one of the roller coasters" Aaron gleed, pulling us to a big coaster that was suppose to have crazy speed and many many turns that goes around the whole park. When we finally got to the coaster, me and Miku stepped towards the front and sat down. The seats can hold 3 people in one row so the siblings would sit infront while me and Miku watched from behind, except, they didnt get in.

I looked over and saw them standing at the exit, waving with cheeky smiles. What are they doing. Some screen started the countdown for the ride to start and when it hit 1, I realized that they never planned on getting in. Before either of us could say anything, the ride started and we speeded off onto the rails at high speeds. You know the feeling of riding a motorcycle during a car chase? Times that by 5 and that's what this thing felt like. I never heard either of us scream this loud for this long, it took about 7 minutes to the ride to be over.

Our hairs were a mess and we were gripping the handle hard. It took a minute to gain our balance again and we made it to the exit, where the siblings were waiting with snacks. They laughed seeing our appearances and we both gave the other a look, and started running at those three, chasing them through half the park, finally catching them and stuffing their faces in the sweets they were holding.

I honestly had lots of fun, and not the bloody kind. The sun was starting to set and we were on our way home. I was looking at my phone, looking at the picture I took of Berry in her bunny headband, looking as cute as ever. We were walking through the nearby park when I suddenly felt something hit me, but not anything hard like a rock or a bullet, it was small and stung a bit. I started loosing the ability to stand properly and fell to the floor, Miku following behind me.

I looked over at her and saw she had a dart in the back of her neck. Someone had darted us and now we were paralyzed. Then, some men jumped from the bushes and held Zand, Aaron, and Berry tightly, keeping them from moving. Then I started hearing laughter from behind me and I immediately knew who's dumb ass voice that was.

"Rider..." Miku spoke, turning to face him

"I told you I would catch them, didnt I?"

"Your fight is with us, leave them alone" I was mainly referring to Berry but I still cared about the boys.

"Actually, I need them for a deal, and now, I can easily kill two birds with one stone, literally" there was more than one thing he was referring to when he said that. He started walking towards them and I tried getting up but it was no use, those darts aren't that strong but it was enough to make us numb for a while. He walked to Berry and held her chin up so she would look at him.

"I'm sure your father wouldnt mind me having a little bonus with this reward, little slut" he growled, getting too close to her for any of our liking. I pulled just enough strength to pull out my gun and shoot him, but my aim sucked in this stated and I ended up shooting him in the ear instead of the head. He pushed her back and held his now bleeding ear, turning to face me.

"Little shit. Just dont know when to understand you lost" he pulled out two hand guns and pointed them at me and Miku.

"No! Dont hurt them, we'll go with you just please dont kill them" Berry cried out. This girl is willing to sacrifice her freedom to save us. I really dont deserve her. Her brothers agreeing

"You would come with me either way, but I need to show your everyone who the true Mafia King is" he aimed the guns and pulled the triggers, me and Miku shutting our eyes waiting for the impact. Heard a gun shot but didnt feel anything.

I remember something my Dad would tell me, if you hear a gun shot, that means it didnt kill you.

I opened my eyes and saw that both me and Miku were fine. We looked up at Rider, who stood still but his chest started bleeding. Turns out he never fully pulled the triggers and he was the one tk get shot. Another gun shot was heard and it hit his head, causing him to fall dead in his place. Few more shots and the guard were now killed, setting those three free.

Footsteps were hear and were walking towards us. A figure appeared with rifles in his hands. For some reason, he looked oddly familiar but I couldnt see any features due to his spy-like appearance, a black hood with a wolf mask, dark grey pants and black boots. He drops his guns and stands there, facing me and Miku.

"Who.. Who are you?" I spoke after what seemed like quite a few minutes.

"I'm not suprised you dont recognize me" he spoke, and he chuckled and began taking his mask and hood off. Revealing his face.

Both me and Miku couldnt believe what we saw. How could this even be possible? How is he here?

I started tearing and regained my sense of movement, standing up with my sister as we stare at the long lost face.

The one we last saw over 16 years ago.


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