5: Break in

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I ran inside to find all of our stuff was either broken or out of place. There were holes in the wall representing gun shots and tons of bullets on the floor. I got so scared realizing Aaron and Zane were here all day.

"Aaron! Zane! Where are you?!" I called out, hoping to get some sort of answer. Luckly, the couch started moving and out peaked my brothers, hiding underneath it.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I ran to them and hugged them tightly as if they were gonna die if I didnt.

"What on earth happened?"

"Some jackasses broke in and started shooting out of no where. Saying to look for us and shit not" Zane says as he breaks the hug.

"The car is at the repair shop and we were hiding under the couch, they thought no one was home and they left" Aaron chimed in looking around the mess of the place.

"Rider-" Riku says as he ducks down reaching for a bullet.

"'Cuse me?" I said confused and my brothers thought the same thing.

"A mafia named Rider was here. This is his signature bullet. He must have wanted you guys for randsom or something"

"Oh my god, we're gonna die" Aaron said, holding each of his siblings with one hand each. To be honest, I thought the same thing.

"No you wont. Not on my watch. But you arent safe here anymore. He knows where you live so he can come back anytime"

"So what do we do then?" Zane asked as we got up and walked over towards Riku.

"You three can stay with me until we get rid of Rider. Theres enough room in the house for you all"

What? Moving to a mafia's house? Is this luck or a curse?

"It doesnt look like they made it upstairs. Go pack anything that in good shape and meet me outside" Riku said as he pulled out his phone and dialed some numbers.

We went up to pack and found all our rooms were messes all of our things were broken and torn. Barely any of my clothes were in one piece and I was left with my school uniform, what I was currently wearing.

Gathering what we could salvage, we headed outside to find a black sports car outside as Riku leaned against it with Slipper in the driver's seat.

We all got in the back and starting driving off to a part of town I dont usually visit. We stopped in a drive way and as we got out, I looked back in shock as I stared at the huge mansion infront of us. There were guards everywhere and a few security cameras on the house.

We walked in and the inside was just as good as the outside. Tons of fancy furniture and a woman sitting at the bottom of the stairs as if waiting for us.

"Are all of you alright? I hope non of you are hurt" The lady says as she walks over to us. She looked very beautiful and surprisingly young, around Riku's age maybe. She had black hair with grey streaks and blue eyes.

"We're alright, and thank you so deeply for letting us stay during this" Zane said, bowing a little bit at her.

"No need to worry. Rider has been a long time threat to my family and we have no trouble letting you stay till we handle it. My son called and explained everything" She said, motioning to Riku at the word 'son's. This must be his mother. I could start telling the similarity.

She took us upstairs and showed us some rooms and the boys picked theirs. I soon realized most of the people here were girls. Poor Riku. I was wandering when I saw a black bedroom with red decorations. It looked very comfy and I plopped myself down on the bed.

"Like this one?" Riku asked, startling me a bit.

"Oh, I was just looking"

"This is my room actually. We can share if you like it so much"

"No no no! I'll find a different one" I could feel myself getting flustered and ran out to find an empty room to claim. They werent kidding when they say they had room in their house.

I unpacked a few things and soon realized I was still in my uniform and I had no clothes to wear. Riku wakes in and notices my expression.

"Something the matter?"

"Um, I just dont have any clothes to wear"


He walks off, and a few seconds later, comes back with a hoddie and sweats.

"You can wear these in the mean time, I can have Crystal take you and your brothers out for shopping"

"Oh wow. Thank you very much" He then walks away and I unfold the clothes, realizing they're big on me. These must be his clothes then. I started blushing at the fact that I'm wearing his clothes and jumped onto my bed to fall asleep. Having a hard time after what had happened while I was at school.

Angel with the Mafia DevilWhere stories live. Discover now