12: Trip

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Warning: longer chapter, mature content
It has been really great with the Irenes. Ever since Riku and I had our date, it's been really bubbly around the house. I'm no longer lonely when I get home, i have made more friends (unusual but still), and I have a hot, eyecandy boyfriend. We havent been able to track nor stop that Rider guy and he keeps sending threats towards us, specifically the Irenes. Me and my brothers were upstairs in Zanes room, which has a king sized bed with blue pillows and cover with a balcony at the other end, a walk in closet with decorations, a big tv hanging on the wall opposite the bed, and a bathroom to the left of the tv.

"These folks have been more than kind to us and it's making my feel hella guilty to not return it" Aaron said, laying down on the bed with his hands behind his head. Zane at his side sitting up and me at the foot facing them.

"There must be something we can do. It seems like they work more than you and I did" Zane responds.

"What they need is a break"

"That's it!" I gasped, jumping a but on the bed making the boys face me.

"What do you mean, bunny?" Aaron questions.

"They need a break, we need somewhere far out of Riders reach for a bit. How bout we take a vacation?"

"That's actually not a bad idea. It could work in everyones favor and be a stress reliever from all the crazy" Zane says agreeing.

"But where would we even go? We only have money for simply things that wouldnt be to any mafia standards" Aaron sighs.

"You seen how they are, they arent like other mafias. They would be grateful with even just our presence. Maybe we can take a simply vacation to Lake Shore" I suggested. Lake Shore is the beach we like to go to the spend time together. Theres icecream stands, a tiny buffet, tones of space, and not many people go so it's pretty private so no attention is brought to you.

After planning, we went to find Lady Rachel and asked her to call the others over so we can break the suprise to them. A few minutes later, all the members are here and curious as to what we needed.

"Ok, this might be small and plain, but the three of us wanted to thank you for allowing us to stay and being so nice to us. So as a thank you, we wanted to take you all on a trip to this beach we go to" Aaron said, seeming a little nervous

"You children didnt have to do that. We were perfectly fine with new guest" Lady Rachel said, being such a perfect mother figure.

"We know, but it makes us feel better about the situation. We have only been starting more trouble and work for all of you and we wanted you to be able to take a rest for a bit" I said, hoping they wouldnt be selfless and turn down the offer. But to my surprise, they started to look happy about it.

"I'm down for a little time at the beach. Could use a bit of sun" Slipper said.

"If you guys are really sure we dont mind either" Miku spoke, her twin brother agreeing.

We agreed to go tomorrow so that everyone can finish the work they have to do before cancelling any plans on the day. The girls and I went to each others rooms helping each pick out a swimsuit. Turns out, non of them nor Riku or Rachel have been out like that before so they didnt have much swim wear, so we were gonna stop by the small shop that was across the beach to get some new ones, including ones for me, the boys, and Lady Rachel (because she deserves to look as young as she can).

The day came and we all headed out to the beach. It was pretty sunny out and the beach didnt fail to bring its beauty to life with its sparkly water and warm sand. We headed to the shop to pick out some swimsuits for everyone. I saw a pretty black one with a strapless top and a bottom with a long open skirt to go with it. I decided to get it to satisfy Riku. Lucky, he didnt see me get mine. We checked out and headed to the changing rooms as we each took turns getting changed. Slipper with a dark red divers suit, crystal with a mermaid themed one piece, the boys with trunks and mitch match jackets, Lady Rachel with a yellow bikini (looking fire), and the twins with matching bikini and trunks. I realized I would be able to get good looks at Rikus bare chest all day.

It was my turn and I told everyone to head on without me as I would catch up. Everyone but Riku left because he wanted to escort me. Such a gentleman-

I got changed and tried to look best in such a revealing outfit. I opened the door to see Riku scrolling through his phone beside the door, not seeing me yet.

"Riku~" I sang to get his attention. He looks up and his face froze once his eyes laid on my body. I felt flustered seeing him look me up and down.

"Y-you look g-great, bae" he stutters, trying to keep eye contact and not look down. We start heading to the others when something came to mind. Did his trunks get tighter?


God, she looked so hot in that. Seeing her perfect shape and the way her top hugged her breasts tightly, damn, I wanted to take her right then and there. I felt my- member -get hard and I tried acting cool to distract myself. We got to the others and the boys started giving bunny lectures about her choice in clothing, while Crystal and Slip were playing in the water, Mom was on a blanket under an umbrella, Miku was digging in the sand and I sat down in the sun to have an excuse for my heated face.

Those three were right actually, this place was quite fun, we made sandcastles, got ice cream, swam (though bunny stayed at shore), rested then played with the sand some more. I would occasionally catch Berry staring at my chest from time to time and, not gonna lie, she would catch me doing the same thing to her. We would secretly give the other a sea shell or an item they found as gifts.

By now everyone went to eat at the buffet while me and bunny went to walk down to her favorite spot, which was under a bridge and it had all types of pretty shells, low hanging vines and a perfect angle for the sun to bounce off the sparkling water, making everything shine bright.

"I wanted to thank you, bun"

"For what?"

"For the gesture. It's not everyone someone gifts you like this. Sure, we are given tokens or rewards from civilians but not like this, not with pure meaning behind it"

"Well, it's not everyday you date a mafia and his family takes you in to take care of you" she blushes

I loved spending time with her, and I didnt regret any action I've done for her so far. I've only known her for so long and I'm already addicted to her. I want to someday feel her body against mine as we whisper sweet nothings into each others ears, while giving pleasure and making love. I want to spend the rest of my life with her, to marry her, to start a family.

I towered over her against the rock wall while my hands are on her hips, our faces inches away, and our eyes catch the ocean light in them.

I was just about to lean down to kiss her but she grabs the back of my head and beats me to it, kissing me very roughly. I caught up with her pase and we were soon having a headed make out.

My body started moving on it's own, I couldnt tell what was happening when I felt fabric on my hand. I opened my eyes just enough to see I was about to pull off her top and she was grinding on me a bit. I panicked and regained my sense, removing my hand and setting her down, facing away from her so she doesnt see my tightened trunks and blushing face.

"I'm so sorry! I had no idea what gotten into me! I didnt mean to go so fast!" I scrambled to speak, embarrassed for more reasons than one, mainly the fact that she was seeing me like this.

"Its alright, I kinda enjoyed it a bit. I didnt realize either. Guess we got carried away" she says, turning to hide her face as well. A part of me was kicking myself for stopping such an enjoyable moment.

We went back to join the others as the day ended and we all went home. This was surely a very nice day and I honestly hoped we could do more normal things like it. We all went to our rooms and headed to bed, but I stayed up because I was in the bathroom, still thinking about that moment at the bridge. I was still hard and I couldnt get her body out of my head while rubbing one out.

God, I want her so badly. The things I want us to do together.

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