6: New Home

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I woke up the next morning to sounds of arguing. My room is near the stairs so I can hear quite a bit from downstairs. I rub my eyes and got up from my comfy bed. It took me a second to get used to my room. It has it's own bathroom and walk-in closet so that's pretty cool.

I went downstairs to find Slipper and Crystal fighting over the last piece of pancake while my brothers were staying out of the way and the twins mother was cleaning her dish.

"Morning" I said still tired as I snag the pancake and leave Crystal and Slipper in disgust.

"Morning, kid. Slept well?" Zane asked. I didnt wanna tell them about the images I had gotten. "Yes, the bed is very comfy"

"I'm glad our home is suiting you all well. No need to ask for any food in the kitchen and you may explore wherever you'd like" The woman said as she dried her hands.

"Mind me asking, but I dont recall getting your name when we arrived last night" Aaron said trying to be as polite and formal as possible.

"My name is Lady Rachel, but you may just say Rachel. I'm Riku and Miku's mother"

After we ate, I decided to explore a bit. I found my way to the backyard and saw that they had a garden with all sorts of flowers and plants, all which look very beautiful.

I sat down and started sniffing and petting the flowers, feeling their smooth and fuzzy petals and smelling the scents the each gave off. I grew to love flowers ever since I found a small patch by the park I visit after school. They helped make me feel better and calmed me down.

I gotten up to look at the rest but bumped into something behind me. I looked to see a pair of abs and a six pack with a wolf tattoo over it. I looked up to find Riku had stood there.

I blushed and gently pushed him, embarrassed I had seen his bare torso. "S-sorry! I w-wasnt looking"

"Dont be sorry. I see you found the garden. You seem to enjoy flowers alot"

"Y-yeah, I love peony flowers the most"

"Well, dont be afraid to come out when you'd like. But be sure to have someone out here with you."

"O-ok" I got surprised by how much he cared about me.

We were walking back inside when I started to hear Lady Rachel's voice talking to someone. I peaked over the corner and saw her talking on the phone with someone and she didnt look too pleased.

"I told you tons of times before, Blitz, unless both children have an attraction to the other, there will be no marriage" I got a little confused but also curious as to what she was talking about.

"My son will not be marrying Catherine unless he truly loves her. This conversation is over" as she hangs up and holds the bridge of her nose with her free hand.

She turned my way and made eye contact she me. I could see her eyes look upward and began to widen. I looked behind me to realize Riku was still there. He's eyes were dark and emotionless as he stared at Rachel's phone.

"Honey-" she started before he cut her off by walking away towards his room.


Why am I not suprised. They do this all the damn time. Attempting to play with my feelings like I'm some sort of toy. I'm aware the looks catch the eyes of many woman, most who are sluts and try to get attached to me, but I never felt the same way. I tried many times to start something meaningful when offered to be with a mafia princess but all they want is my wealth and sex, they don't truly care about me. I'm glad my mother agrees with me, that's the only reason why I dont have some bitch in my room.

I slammed the door to my room and sat on the bed with my head in my hands. I was starting to get pissed by the constant offers for me. I sat there for a minute till I heard a soft knock at my door.

"Come in"

It opens and there stood Berry, looking innocent and very cute. My eyes softened and I was somewhat relieved to see her face.

"I just, wanted to see if you were alright. Your mom explained what that call was about and I just wanted to cheer you up" she said, slightly nervous as she walked closer to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. This is a common thing and I'm grateful my mother appreciates my choice. Thank you for caring" I felt my face get a little hot as I said that last bit.

"A-anytime. You are looking after me and my brothers after all. It felt right to do the same." She stuttered and I gave a soft chuckle. She was the girl I wanted in my life. My bunny giving me pleasure and happiness. Us soon getting married and having a family.

We sat there watching some TV as Miku walked in and joined us, also being told what happened earlier. I'm glad I have my family and friends with me. I'm also glad I went to that cafe and found Berry.

Soon I'll earn her heart. I am her housemate and teacher after all.

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