11: Date

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I woke up to an alarm that was on bunny's phone. I fell asleep in her room for that night cause she wanted to make sure I would be ok (I think she was afraid of being alone after what happened that evening). I sat up and stretched a bit, still being careful of the stitches, not much for my care but for bunny's. It's Monday so bunny and I needed to get to the school. At first I was hesitant about letting her go due to her situation but she made a point by saying it would look suspicious to others if she didnt show regularly and my cover would be blown.

Ponta was in her arms, snuggling inside her grip. Lucky bastard. I decided to let her sleep a little more sence classes didnt start for another hour. I got up and headed to my room to get dressed. Before you ask, no, non of the girls know about my side job. I always wear a hood over the uniform when around them in the house then take it off when I get in the car. I have no intention on telling them either, because then I'd have to give them the reason why, and then I would have to deal with whatever their reactions will be.

I was staring at the stitch when I remembered what bunny said before. She was concerned for dangerous people she barely knew. She was concerned for me. I blushed a bit at the thought. Shes too sweet and innocent for me to handle. Maybe I can reward her with a gift. Is it too soon to ask for a date? I mean, the ball was technically a date so i guess it's ok.

After getting my things, I went to wake up bunny as she got ready. I would take quick glimpses of her brushing her soft hair and fought the urge to hug her and play with it. We went downstairs to an empty house. Everyone else must be sleeping right now. We ate breakfast while chatting a bit then we headed out. Bunny was used to walking but I insisted we take the car, I drop her off a few feet away so no one sees us together. It's not exactly ok for a teacher to date his student.

When we met back together inside, a teacher came up to me and started talking without waiting for my response. I dont want her, I want bunny, and i could tell she was getting just a tad bit jealous. I was finally able to kindly shu away the woman and we headed to class as the bell went. As I taught and was bothered by more girls and gave/received small flirts to Berry, I was thinking on how I'd ask her on a date, and if she said yes, where to and what to do for it. I havent been on a meaningful for as long as I remember so I didnt quite know how to handle this so it doesnt screw up.

The rest of my classes went by as slow as usual without Berry there and the bell finally went for lunch. I hated school when I was learning and didnt wanna come back, but at least I'm not learning anything and I get to be close to my bunny. I may have looked up a few tips for dates and went to the cafe to try them with Berry. I found her at one of the tables eating alone, as a group of girls glared at her and 3 - 4 boys were looking at her like she was their sweet. If there werent cameras in the cafe, I would have shot all if them and gotten away with it.

Making sure no one was around, I placed my letter into Berrys locker. It was cheesy but I didnt really have any other ideas. The letter asked her if she wanted to go out for dinner with boxes marked yes and no. She would mark which one was her answer and hand it to me at some point. I just hope she says yes and I dont end up sounding like a creep.

As lunch ended, all the student came out and a few headed to their lockers, one of which being Berry (thankfully). From a afar, I watched her open the locker and the letter slips out infront of her. She opens it and reads what's written then goes red towards the end. She knows it's from me since I signed it. I went into my class and set down as kids started coming in. 2 minutes before it started, Berry walked in with some papers for me.

"Heh, I forgot to give you these in class so I stopped by" me being observant, I saw one of the papers were the same type I used for my letter. I thanked her and she gave a hidden wink at me so non of the students saw. I couldnt help but smile when she tries to be bold like that. Turns out, the other papers she gave me were just blank and was using them as an excuse. When I gave the students the assignment I was suppose to, I pulled the letter from the pile and opened it under my desk to read what she said. The yes box was marked but not with a checkmark, instead with a light pink kiss mark. I smiled to myself and started planning the date itself.

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