18: Waiting

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(Heads up, I think I'm gonna change Rachel's name to Xilo to better fit her kids names)
Riku gets to come home now, though he's still passed out. We each take turns looking after him. Theres a sub in his class replacing him in the mean time from what I heard but I didnt even bother to care, I just wanted him ok and awake.

Oh, that guy that kidnapped me, they kept him in the basement which I'm not allowed down, which was completely fine, I didnt want to be anywhere near him. Lady Xilo and Miku would usually go down every now and then to "interrogate" him about who he made the deal with and what their intentions were. I never thought my low-ass life would take such a turn.

Miku would be filling in for Riku's place in Mafia meetings or what not, dressing as him and pretending to be him so non of there enemies gets suspicious and catch on. Out of all the original members, Riku was the strongest. If they found out he wasnt conscious, who knows what they'll do.

I'm glad theres no school today because I am in no mood to deal with work and bullies. It's my turn to look after Riku so I'm just sitting beside him in his room. Still pretty stiff but breathing is starting to clear up better. I couldnt help myself but to crawl on the bed and lay down next to him, cuddling him from his stomach. I would have stayed that way if Zane didnt find me and carried my tired ass to my room to sleep. Ended up crying myself to sleep thinking about how everyone would be ok with me around after what Riku did to save me.


It's the next morning and I'm dying to be there when Riku wakes up, but my brothers said I HAD to go to school and that they'll bring me home when he does. As much as I didnt want to leave, I ended up agreeing, got ready and left for school. Seems like everyone was a bit worried about Riku and what happened. Miku had gone to school in his place so she could explain (and I mean give a reasonable fake answer) why Riku wasnt there. Some people mistook her for him for a hot few seconds and some guys even tried hitting on her.

I made my way to the class and was met by a different guy who I'd never seen around school before. He had a cold look that was uncomfortable so I just went to my desk and sat down. Class started but it didnt seem like he cared to teach, he just gave us random work to keep us busy.

From time to time, he would take glances at us, and when I say us, I mean the girls, but not looking at their faces. Some of them caught on and folded or pushed their legs together and put something over the sight of their chests. It was finally over when the bell went and we could leave, but I felt a very disgusting stare at me and I knew who it was from, so I made sure my skirt was covering me as best as it can and walked out pretty fast.

I gone through the rest of the classes as normally and it became lunch, usually I would eat with Riku in the class but that wasnt an option right now, so I just sat alone in one of the empty tables. I didnt even feel like eating anymore. I tucked my lunch away and headed to my locker to put it back when I heard noises coming from a nearby hall.

I ran over to see what it was when I saw that creep teacher, name was Mr Miller but i didnt care, pinning a girl to the lockers and she looks extremely uncomfortable and scared. I know that look.

"Get off of me, you creep!" She yelled and struggled to push him off, but he gripped her hips tighter, preventing her from moving.

"What's a little doll like you gonna do. Dolls are meant to be played with and do what they're told" he gave a gross smirk and brought a hand to land on her mid-inner thigh. She tried pulling away from him even harder but it wasnt working. I had to save her.

"Hey! What are you doing to her, leave her alone!"

He turns to me, not releasing the girl but did stop his nad movement "And what are you gonna do to stop me. You both are just little toys whos only purpose is to pleasure men" he was so getting on my nerves now. Luckily, I was holding my backpack, so I grabbed a pretty heavy book from it and threw it at his head, causing him to tumble and let go of the girl, who ran over to me and got behind me.

"Little shit!" There was a cut on his face from the book. I told the girl to run and get someone and she hurried off. I let my guard down and Miller grabbed my arm and pulled be back, pinning my arms high over my head.

"You made a very bad move, little girl"

"BITE ME!" I kicked his leg and he groaned in pain but still held his grip, as he took his free hand and pinned my legs together. My arms were starting to hurt and I tried getting free but it wouldn't work.

"Guess you'll have to be taught a different way" I knew what that meant and I didnt want him to try. Replacing his hand with his leg, he moved the hand that was holding my legs up my stomach and was nearly close to my breasts, when a sudden noise startled me and I shut my eyes. I soon felt the pressure on my weaken and I fell to the floor, having no idea what happened.

I then heard something being slammed on the lockers and loud groans of pain coming from Miller. Then I heard laughing from a sore, husky voice man which confused me, so I slowly opened my eyes to see what was going on. When I opened my eyes, I couldnt even believe what I was seeing.

Miller had a bloody nose and was pinned by the throat on the lockers by...


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