23: "Whoops"

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I woke up the next morning, exhausted and feeling sore around my neck. I try to sit up but something was on top of me. I look down and saw my bunny, bare naked sleeping peaceful on my chest. I then realized I was naked as well and soon remembered the night we had. God, that was so fucking amazing. I softly pushed back a few hairs from her face and kissed her forehead, receiving a smile and some nudges as a reward. I blushed at her sight, knowing I made her mine, and no one is going to take her from me. I'll make sure of it.

I struggled but managed to replace myself with a pillow and got out of bed without waking her. I got some fresh clothes from my closet and went to take a shower, hoping it doesnt get rid of the smell too much but just enough so no one else can smell it. Cause that would be a conversation that would never end. As I let the warm water hit me, I started getting flashbacks of last night, the way she felt agaisnt me. It made me hard again as I stroked myself to relieve the feeling. I was so tired I barely managed to get my clothes on, let alone the strap.

I snuck out and into the hallway, making my way to the kitchen for breakfast. I was met by my family and friends, all chatting about different things that I wasnt able to keep up with at once. I let out a soft sigh while sitting cause SOMEONE decided to bite my balls and now it hurts to put pressure on em.

"Morning honey, were you able to sleep well" Mama asked, handing me my pancakes.

"Mhm" and a nod was all I could manage as images played in my head. I just cant get her body out of my head. So curved, so soft.

I was mostly picking at my food while the girls fought over who would most likely be more attractive in some boy band when the door opened and Berry came in, wearing shorts, some stockings, and a shirt that looked familiar. We made eye contact for 4 seconds and looked away blushing. Guess we both remember what happened that night. She sat beside me and started stealing my bits of pancake with giggles as I just let her.

I looked back at the shirt she was wearing and it had the mafia symbol on the back.

I looked back at the shirt she was wearing and it had the mafia symbol on the back

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(If you know where its from, then you know where its from)

That's why it looked familiar! She was wearing my shirt, just bundled into her shorts to fit her. I tried to hide my laughter of the realization as Berry finished the rest of my food. We both got up and went to the living room, met by her brothers and Luna. I sat down on the couch behind Luna, who was sitting on the floor, and Berry sat beside her. I heard her wince as her but hit the floor and I smiled to myself, knowing why and how.

After a couple shows and us just chatting, Mama came out wearing a black mission suit about to get to the basement.

"Mama, where are you going?"

"I was just paying a visit to those bastards. Jason and that creep from before" I completely forgot about the man who kidnapped Berry, I didnt kill him cause I wanted to get information but I ended up... you know. I felt my hands ball into fists remembering what both of them did.

"Mind if I join?" I asked, giving Mama my dark expression unintentionally, wanting to beat the shit out of both of them.

"Of course dear, head upstairs and get your suit on" I head upstairs to put it on. The reason we wear those when interrogating is because they can easily wash blood off. I came back and went downstairs with her as I came face to face that weirdo who was tied to a chair. Jason was hanged by his arms beside him unconscious, with a few bruises and cuts on his body along with a few missing parts, same for the creep but his were less serious.

"Heh, guess this bozo survived, huh" that bastard, who's name was Logan, said, before receiving a punch to the face by Mama. I was honestly scared when she fights cause it only happens when shes angry and I hate to be in the way when that happens.

"Dont you dare talk about my son that way, you mop headed piece of shit"

"Its fine, Mama. I assume you had yet to confess anything while I was out"

"I'll tell you the same thing I told Miss feisty, I made a deal with a guy to kidnap the girl and that's that. That little slut had it com-" I cut hit off by stabbing his leg with a hot knife.

"Call her a slut again and your tounge is next to feel my blade!" No one calls Berry such names.

"Do whatever you want, I'm not saying anything. Though there is one thing you can do to make me talk"

"And that would be" Mama asked annoyed already.

"The chick has sex with me" he said, tilting his head towards Mama. She looks at him with disgust all over her face and takes a few steps back, while I hold my pissed bitch face. Ever since Dad died, me and Miku have been protective of Mama, fighting and killing anyone who dares look at her like that. We developed 'bitch faces' every time we were giving a death stare for anything related.

"How bout this instead" I pulled out my gun and aimed it right at his dick. His expression immediately changed and I smirked knowing I convinced him.

"Still wanna try making that offer?"

"Alright, alright! Look I wasnt told much either, all I know is that guys wanted the girl for something but he didnt tell me what, he just knows her and needs her"

"What's his name" Mama asked

"Malto something. He said he needs all 3 siblings but I was only told to get the girl first, cause if I get her, her brothers will try to follow" that made sense. They had a close relationship ever since their parents were no longer available.

"That guy said he would send help with some guy named Rider but obviously, it didnt work" so Rider is in on it too. Should have known.

"I swear, that's all I know. I know nothing more"

"That's fine, I dont have a use for you anymore" with that Mama took my gun and shot his dick then his head. I would be lying if I said I didnt cover my crotch after witnessing that. My mother is a bad-ass and I'm afraid of her.

She tossed me my gun and went upstairs while I was still paralyzed by the scene when she called down.

"Let's go!"

I ran up those stairs knowing I would make her more mad if I didnt. We made it back to the living room when someone tackled me from the side. It was Zane and he looked pissed.

"The hell, Zane. What are you doing?"


I looked over and saw Aaron examining Berry, my shirt tugged down revealing the hickeys.

Oh shit-

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