Chapter 11: Three Years Later

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Three years later...

Serenity had decided to join the Z Fighters to fight off the Androids. However, she had been training really hard with her family and Piccolo. She also wore her dark blue go with a black belt and black shoes. Serenity also used the Legendary Silver Crystal to make her that much stronger just in case she needed them.

However, when they were done training, Serenity always cook dinner for the boys. When the morning comes, she made breakfast for them before going back to training with Piccolo. She also brought lunch just in case they were hungry.

While she was training, Piccolo couldn't help but feel suspicious about this girl who seems very different and unfamiliar to her. He figured she wasn't the real Chichi he knew. He remembered for sure when she always gets angry a lot while screaming and yelling at them and always refuses to let Gohan train with them. Not only he remembered she was a retired fighter and a housewife. He doesn't understand this. And how come Chichi wasn't a fighter when she married Goku and had a son together? I mean, clearly, he knew she has been a fighter for a while, but why did she become useless? Of course, she was a human being with no Saiyan influences. Not only she was the Z Fighter. He wanted to find out why.

Serenity and Gohan trained together as usual while he teaches her some tricks and techniques. Goku also trained Serenity's fighting skills and Kamehameha. Serenity never knew why she would spend time training with them, making herself feel happy.

Not only she wouldn't forget about what three years ago when she was being switched places by the woman who claimed to be Goku's wife.


After training...

"What a wreck. I need a break from training. These boys are killing me." Serenity murmured to herself, feeling tired.

If only I wish I can get my old life back, Serenity thought with a sad look.

"If only I wish I was Sailor Moon again!" Serenity shouted out, hoping everyone can hear her, except Goku and the others that she didn't need them to hear them.

"Then maybe I can help you with that, Your Majesty," a female voice said.

She flinched, turning to face the voice as she didn't see a person, "Who's there?"

"I'm down here." Then Serenity looked down and saw a strange female cat standing in front of her. She has ginger-and-white fur with golden eyes.

"Y-You can understand me?" Serenity said in shock.

She nodded. "I know who you are. You are Neo Queen Serenity who gets switched by a woman we don't know, so I decided to help you out."

"Who are you?" Serenity asked with a curious look.

"My name is Lyanna, I am your father's cat adviser. You have come here for the right place." Lyanna said with a kind smile.

"My father's cat adviser?" Serenity said, blinking her sapphire eyes.

She nodded. "Yes. I had known your father, King Theodore, for many centuries. I also have known you since you were a little girl. Especially your mother Queen Serenity, Luna, and Artemis."

"You know them?"

She nodded again. "Yes, I do, Your Highness. Also, I'm here to help you to guide you to become Sailor Galaxy."

She became confused more. "Sailor Galaxy? But... didn't someone already have a name...? You know... someone has the name of Sailor Galaxia?"

She chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, no. Sailor Galaxia isn't from here. We didn't steal a name. It is a new guardian name for you. First of all, here is the Galaxy Brooch that I want to give this to you." Lyanna then gave the Galaxy Brooch to Serenity.

She picked it up and stared at it. The Galaxy Brooch is golden with a white diamond on it. She admired how beautiful this brooch was. She removed her old brooch and replaced it with her new one. Not only it compared the brooch to another brooch.

"What should I do now?" Serenity asked Lyanna with a curious look.

"Now you will say 'Galaxy Eternal Power, Make Up.' since you have already transformed into Eternal Sailor Moon," Lyanna said.

"Then... why this? Why me?" Serenity asked, eyeing the cat.

"Ever since you were the daughter of the Galaxy King, he wanted me to give this to you when the time has for you to become Eternal Sailor Moon," Lyanna told her.

"Then I have a question for you, Lyanna, before I could transform. How did you end up here?" Serenity asked her.

She sighed. "When the Galaxy Kingdom was being targeted by the Chilled Force, your father sealed me away into a slumber until Luna and Artemis awakened me and told me everything about what you did. Your father also wanted you to have this before he could seal me away and pass away."

"Well, I am glad I found you, Lyanna. It's time for me to transform." Serenity said, grinning.

"Good. Now say 'Galaxy Eternal Power, Make Up.'" Lyanna said.

She nodded, raising her hand and shouting, "Galaxy Eternal Power, Make Up!"

Then Serenity transformed into Sailor Galaxy, dressing up like that.

Then Serenity transformed into Sailor Galaxy, dressing up like that

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A/N: This is what Sailor Galaxy looks like. If you guys don't see it, look above.

"Wow, I look stunning! I had never become like this before! It's way better than being Sailor Moon!" Sailor Galaxy exclaimed excitedly.

"Indeed," Lyanna replied, nodding in agreement.

"So what should I do now? Should we train together to see what I can learn about?" Sailor Galaxy asked her.

"I suggest we train until you are ready, Sailor Galaxy," Lyanna said.

She nodded. "Okay."

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