Chapter 12: The Androids

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A/N: I'm skipping the whole scene of fighting the androids because I'm too lazy to write. I apologize.

"There's something wrong," Gohan stated, catching the attention of the others, "Dad's not fighting like he usually does."

"You've noticed it, too?" Piccolo nodded, "His technique is rushed and his moves are sloppy. The fight just started and Goku is wasting most of his power! He is a Super Saiyan! He should have already beaten that Android!"

"Maybe they drained him of ki?" Gohan asked, "They do have the ability to do it. They would explain it."

"That's not right," Serenity glared into the sky, "Goku's ki hasn't dropped dramatically like mine did." She narrowed her eyes as Android Ninteen crashed into the ground once more and Goku stood a little distance away from him while breathing very heavily. She observed as Goku prepared to throw a ki blast to try and finish it for good.

Both the androids smirked as the latter put out his palm, intending on absorbing the power to raise his own. However, he let out a surprised noise when a foot abruptly slammed into his back, pushing him forward and not allowing him to suck in the Ki.

"Chichi?" Goku murmured in surprise, feeling a great relief in his chest at the sight. The girl simply huffed, putting down her leg to the ground the air as she glared at him and ignored Goku's sigh of relief.

"Goku, these Androids can drain ki, so don't throw any more blasts," She warned him before Goku slowly landed beside her, "You may have caught me off guard the last time, but not this time!"

It was then she brought out the Galaxy Brooch that has the Legendary Silver Crystal in it, so she shouted out, "Galaxy Eternal Power! Ma--!"

She would have transformed into a Sailor Galaxy, though Goku fell to his knees in apparent exhaustion.

"Goku?" She called out in concern, forgetting all about the Android as she knelt by Goku's side, "What's wrong?"

She touched his arm as he grasped at his chest in pain. That motion caused her to widen her eyes and she realized, "Your heart!" She gasped, sensing the infection as Goku slumped down, not falling to the ground before Serenity could lean him up against her shoulder, "Is it that virus?"

"What? The heart infection?" Future Trunks grit his teeth, worried, "Goku, why didn't you take the medicine I gave you?" He called out, seeing another difference in the timeline. Goku should have gotten the illness much earlier.

"Dad never got any symptoms, so he didn't take it!" Gohan shook in concern, "He didn't see any point!"

"Sorry, Chichi..." Goku smirked regretfully, gasping for air, "But I don't think I can beat him for you right now." He groaned in pain, feeling her hand tighten around his muscular arm in concern.

Serenity glanced out of her peripheral vision as Android Ninteen stepped closer, "Goku, it's all right, I'll fight the Android. You need to rest."

"B-but..." Goku tried to protest, tensing in pain as his hair returned to its natural black. He clenched his fist, glancing through his bangs as Serenity stood protectively in front of him, not allowing Android Ninteen any view of him.

It was then Serenity tried again and used the Legendary Silver Crystal to transform. "Galaxy Eternal Power! Makeup!" Then she transformed into Sailor Galaxy, which shocked everyone.

Goku's eyes went widened. "Chichi?"

"Whoa, Mom...!" Gohan said in shock.

Piccolo widened his eyes. "No way!"

"How did she do that!?" Krillin asked in shock.

Then she smirked at him as she used her fighting position. "I am the pretty guardian who fights for law and morality! I am Sailor Galaxy! In the name of Galaxy, I will punish you with love and justice!" She promised ominously, lunging forward without any warning so she could finish it quickly.

Android Ninteen widened his light blue eyes, seeing how powerful she was as the rapid calculations behind his eyes and realizing he would have no chance to win with Serenity's power up unless he drained her ki again. However, he didn't think that she would give him the chance to. He didn't let out a sound as Serenity slammed her fist into his face, sending him flying back and leaving him no chance to recover as she reappeared behind him and smashed her leg into his back.

He watched from a distance, in complete shock at the major miscalculations. However, he watched bringing the tiara from her head and summoning her power from the Legendary Silver Crystal.

She shouted out, "Galaxy Tiara Action!" She threw it at him until he exploded immediately. Everyone was shocked to see how Serenity was able to fight.

Android Twenty was shocked before he could retreat. "Curses! We will meet again!"

When he left, Serenity turned back and she felt relief it was easy to fight. Then she forgot Goku was still in pain as she ran up to him.

"Goku!" Serenity cried out, she kneel beside him and helped him out. "Are you going to be okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah... Maybe... But I am so shocked about how you transformed... How did you do that, Chichi?"

She looked away. "It's a long story..."

"Damn it! How is your mate that stronger!? She can't be!" Vegeta complained, which made everyone shrug.

"Chichi, you'll have to take him home while we'll find Android Twenty," Piccolo suggested to her before Serenity could take Goku home. Although he was really heavy when she had to carry him all the way home.

Vegeta growled furiously. Although he began to wonder how an Earthing woman like Serenity could transform. He must find out.

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