Chapter 11: The House of Gaunt

Start from the beginning

"I daresay I am not." I had stopped walking, and turned to face him, looking into those whispy blue eyes. 

"Well- all of the pureblood families are related, see if I took my family tree, and went back say- a few years. Perhaps decades. I could show you how me and Sebastian are something like 5th cousins, even though that doesn't exactly mean we're directly related, the relation is there. Purebloods marry purebloods, that's why we're called pure, every single inch of us is one hundred percent magical. But that's my fathers words in my mouth, not mine. Muggle-borns and half bloods are no different than I, but if my father heard me say that, he would have my tongue. However, I don't think he'd want a blind, and mute son all at once. I'm already enough of an embarrassment." Ominis let out a sigh rubbing his temple with his free hand, as he glided me back into a walk. 

"(Y/N) My father takes blood very seriously, as does most of everyone else you are about to meet. The pureblood lines are all drying out, he's getting desperate, I know that he let in at least two half bloods into the dance card situation, that alone is what he considers a disgrace."

"But there were so many people there, how can the line be dying out?" I wandered. 

"Because, majority of them aren't even from this country. Some were celtic, like myself and my family, some French, some German and Russian, mostly Americans really- are you ready?" He asked, as we were finally outside of those double doors. I nodded, taking a deep breath. 

"Showtime." Ominis muttered, as he raised his hand to the door, knocked once, as he then quickly composed himself. The doors swung open. 

It wasn't that much brighter than the hallyway, just seeminly- hotter- stuffier. With more candles afloat above my head. I lifted my other hand, holding on to Ominis' arm that was locked with mine. I slowly rubbed my thumb on the fabric of his clothes nervously. 

I could do this. 

For him. 

The sound of a fire cracking, and a bottle popping somewhere ahead echoed. All I had to do was follow Ominis' lead, and do as he said, that would get me through this night. My eyes surveyed the occupants of the room, there were around, thirty or so people, the room seemed to be spacious, but it clumped the guests together, because of the vast number of tables, plush chairs, and various other tables filled with foods and drink. 

"Ah-! Ominis, there you are. Your father was wondering what was keeping you. Ah Miss (L/N) splendid to hear you applied your dance card appropriately. Young Gaunt here had us all worried." It was Headmaster Black, he seemed drunk, but not frozzeled or anything, something enough to keep him confident. He clapped his hand upon Ominis' back with a hearty laugh, as he lead us through the small swarm of people. 

Eyes were upon me once more, I gripped Ominis' arm once more. These people were making me uneasy. The women whispered behind their fans to one another, as the men just stood with their goblets, eying me up. Like they were trying to see in what was the best way to attack me. 

"It's alright. You're with me." Ominis whispered, as we finally reached the destination, I looked to find a curtain was drawn, it was opaque, I could see the figures behind it, drinking and laughing, Ominis raised his hand, somehow knowing that it was there, as he held it aside for me, letting me step up first, like the gentleman he was. 

My eyes crashed with these almost luminous green ones. It was him. It was Marvolo. I could see others from the corner of my eye, but I dared not look away. I removed one of my hands from Ominis, picking up the side of my dress, as I gave a low curtsey. 

"Mr Gaunt, it is a pleasure to finally meet you." I hadn't moved quite yet, as I heard Ominis speak. 

"Father, to formally introduce you, this is the young witch you've been hearing all about. This is (Y/N) (L/N) the most intelligent, capable and reliable being I have ever had to pleasure to meet." Ominis' tone was monosyllabic, but genuine at heart. At that, I slowly rose. 

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