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The Life foundation was a lot more normal than Changbin had been expecting. He thought he might see some crazy technology he'd never seen before. It was just a boring facility like any other. Jisung didn't seem too amazed either. Then again, he had worked at Park Industries for a few months in high school. That's what Minho told him anyway. Park Industries was way more advanced than The Life Foundation.

Changbin wasn't there for the internship, though. He was befriending the enemy. If he stayed close he'd know their plans. It didn't matter if they already knew he had Venom. This was to keep Felix safe. If he gave them a little bit of what they wanted, they didn't need Felix. Venom hadn't spoken inside the building since the internship started, but it talked a lot when they were at home. It kept scolding Changbin about how stupid he was.

Venom shut up quickly when Changbin said that there might be a good human brain awaiting him in the future. "Venom," he called when he entered his apartment. Venom came out with its large tongue swinging side to side. Changbin cringed at the image. "I have a serious question."

"What is it?" Venom asked.

"If I were to say, have sex. How would you effect the other person?" It was an embarrassing topic but he needed to know for the future. He'd have to tell Felix about Venom someday. That was a sure way to get dumped, but he wasn't going to lie to Felix.

"I don't have an effect. I suppose I could go inside of someone and eat them, but I wouldn't. Not to Felix. If it is anyone else I will eat them."

Changbin didn't know how to feel about Venom's nice feelings toward his boyfriend. Venom had made it clear he wasn't capable of sexual feelings, but that didn't stop him from developing romantics ones. "Are you going to let me tell him about you?" Changbin questioned.

"Probably not."

Changbin sighed and put the bag he took to work down. "It's been two weeks since I asked Felix to be my boyfriend. I haven't even been able to kiss him, Venom. I agreed you can stay in my body, but I'm not sacrificing my love and sex life for you. So we either tell him and risk a breakup, or you figure something else out."

"I do not like this demanding version of you Felix has created. Fine. I'll figure something out. You should know kissing him will have no repercussions."

Changbin smiled and patted the symbiote's head. "Thanks."

A few days later was Felix and Minho's performance. Changbin had been notified that there was a certain dresscode. He ended up wearing black suitpants and a black button up. On his way to the schools auditorium, he looked up flowers and their meanings. He dropped by a flowershop to grab some Baby's breath and roses, then continued to his destination.

He met up with Jisung while they waited to get their seating. Jisung kept talking about how excited he was. Apparently when Minho danced he looked like some otherwordly being. That's what Jisung said, anyway. Changbin just hoped that he didn't end up looking like Venom. The explanation did get Changbin excited about Felix. He was passionate about dance and the elder knew he'd put everything into each of his performances.

He was also nervous. He wasn't sure why, but he was. It all suddenly made sense when he saw Felix on stage. He was alone in a strange yet elegant pose, a beam of light shining down on him. The small amount of glitter painted on his cheeks was sparkling and even reflected in his eyes. Changbin thought it looked like he had a galaxy inside of them. He danced so beautifully, as well.

His expression stayed stoic and his body expressed emotion after emotion. Sure, he had other dancers around him, but Changbin thought he didn't need them. He was hypnotizing all by himself. Easily a crowd favorite. Definitly Changbin's favorite. There was one dance in particular that stuck with Changbin. It was the only dance Felix had taken the time out of to look at Changbin. Probably to mess with his heart or deliver a message.

VENOM 🕷 CHANGLIXWhere stories live. Discover now