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The seven deadly sins lived in everyone. However, only more recently had Changbin been discovering how much he gave himself to them. Pride for his work as a college student. Greed for recognition on said work. Envy because of the families around him. Wrath for the assholes everywhere in the world. No matter how much he searched for Gluttony or Sloth he couldn't find them. None of those really mattered to him, though. They were easily cast aside. He could control himself. 

Unless it came to Felix. He was getting pissed at the boy more and more. He was a sin of his own. Lust should have been named after him. Changbin could blame Felix for being promiscuous and flirty. He could even try and blame Venom for making him go back to the damned cafe for his chocolate. If he was being honest though, he was at fault. He didn't have to look at Felix. He didn't have to meet his eye across the floor. Changbin didn't have to stare at him and imagine all the things that he did.

But he did. It was almost impossible for him not to. Felix always somehow found himself dancing and Changbin got immersed in the way his body moved. Or how when he talked to people, his lips twitched up a little bit until he was grinning. His laugh was loud and obnoxious, but Changbin liked it because it notified everyone of his mood. It was stupid. Everything he was starting to feel was absolutely stupid. He was disgusted with how fucking cute Felix was. If he smiled one more time Changbin would. . . he'd do something. How did someone explain the feeling of wanting to squeeze someone so hard that maybe they'd end up dying? 

"We could kill him." 

"We are not killing him," Changbin hissed under his breath. 

Changbin didn't understand why he was so upset. Usually he would get a little frustrated with a feeling and that was it. It'd eventually leave. But this had been a very reoccurring emotion. Angry lust. It wasn't him. It was anything but who he was. "Mom, I'm just going to hang out with friends," Felix's voice waned in. He was whining over the counter, his hands outstretched to his mom who had her arms crossed over her chest. 

Changbin examined Felix's attire. It was probably the most clothed he'd ever seen him. It definitely cleared Changbin of any dirty thoughts. "Which friends?"

"Peter and MJ. Come on, they aren't bad influences like Wooyoung and Yeonjun, you know that. I'm not going to be anywhere near those two. We are just hanging out at a movie and then maybe going to MJ's apartment. I'll be back by the morning," Felix said. He was trying hard to convince his mother of his plans. 

Changbin believed him. There was no way he would be caught dead causing a ruckus in those clothes. Felix was above that. As if Felix could sense Changbin's gaze, their eyes linked. Felix smiled and turned to his mom. "See, that's another one of my friends. He's coming, too. Doesn't he looked sophisticated and nice?" 

Changbin looked at himself. A black T-shirt and some jeans wasn't exactly sophisticated. Felix's mother looked him up and down and sighed before turning toward the kitchen. Felix clenched his fist and shook it a little in victory. He bounded up to Changbin with a skip in his step and a wide grin. "Binnie, play along will you?" 

"Why?" Changbin whispered. 

"I'll bake you all the brownies you want if you do," Felix told him, attempting to persuade. 

Changbin stood up instantly and grabbed his phone from the table. He started walking to the door, Felix chuckling and following him out. They walked the street for a half a minute before Felix's sunshine aura dissipated. He unzipped his jacket and pulled it off of his shoulders, exposing a loose black shirt that had the first three buttons released. He folded his jacket over his arm and pulled out his phone, fixing his hair in the camera while humming. 

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