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Felix seemed to like going out on dates in the afternoon. Changbin had taken him on another two dates the week after their confession. It wasn't anything that would shock someone into a head-over-heels thought process. It was just another few hours of getting to know each other. Changbin realized that he was falling, though. Felix was really special. 

He liked baking and fashion and was loyal to a fault, which Changbin had to scold him about. He didn't know why he forgave Yeonjun and Wooyoung so quickly. In the end it wasn't his decision to make. Now at four dates, Changbin was getting a little worried. The Life Foundation was being too quiet for his liking. They should've done something by now.

"Maybe they don't know."

"Am I that lucky, though?" Changbin asked the symbiote. Venom didn't respond, which only confirmed that the Life Foundation wouldn't give up until Venom was found. "Let's just hope they don't ask Spider-man to go searching for you."

A knock on the door brought him back to reality and he yelled a come in. Felix popped inside with some brownies like always. They were having another movie night. A much more planned one so that they could spend time together and not have Felix abruptly leave when it got too late.

"Your date has arrived. How's the fit?" Felix did a slow spin and Changbin chuckled at his antics. He was wearing sweatpants and a loose shirt. Nothing fancy.

"You look like you're ready for a movie night," Changbin said, tossing him the remote. Felix pouted as he plopped down on the couch next to Changbin, legs flying up and over the elder's lap as he always did. He searched around for a movie, but paused and looked at Changbin.

"You hate talking about your emotions, right?" Changbin hummed as he took a bite of a brownie. Venom was hangry recently so hopefully he'd stop grouching. "Why don't we watch two movies. One that explains something we want to show to each other? Something difficult."

It was a good idea. The only thing was that Changbin didn't have anything to show Felix. At least, nothing happy and romantic. "I have one in mind, but it'd probably make you cry. I don't want to see you cry," he said honestly.

Felix pouted and shook his arm a bit. "I want to learn about you and your mind. Come on. Please? I won't cry. If I do I'll hide it!"

Changbin sighed and took the remote. He was dreading this reveal for awhile. "This was supposed to be a romantic date not a traumatic one."

Felix shrugged and cuddled into his side. "Trauma is my middle name."

Changbin wished he could laugh. Trauma was pretty much everyone's middle name those days. He pressed play on a movie he watched when he needed a reminder of how strong he was for getting through everything he did. It was a film about some kid who kept running away only to run right back into hell. It wasn't anything new to him. He'd experienced it himself and he was numb to it all by then.

Felix, despite saying he wouldn't cry, was shedding tears like a baby. Only, he wasn't sobbing out loud. The reason Changbin knew he was crying was because of his cute sniffles. When the credits rolled, Changbin tried to get up so he could grab Felix some tissues, but the dancer wouldn't let go of him. Changbin instead wrapped his arm around Felix's shoulder and pulled him into his neck.

"I thought you said you weren't going to cry?" Felix answered with a sniff and a hum. Changbin didn't know how to react. The only person he'd ever seen cry for him was his mother. It's not like he went around telling people he was brutally abused for fourteen years of his life. He opted for rubbing Felix's shoulder blade slowly.

Felix eventually popped his head up. His swollen eyes made him look cute and fragile. It gave Changbin a boost of the protective feeling he had started developing since he met Felix. "Thoughts?" Changbin asked.

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