"Yeah, me too" he sighed, looking out the window equally contemplatively. I'd wondered what was going on in his mind.

"Excuse me".

Harry's head swiftly whipped around, alarmed by an unfamiliar voice.

An older woman dressed similar to myself hooked her fingers over the back of the empty seat at our table. She had dark curly hair down to her shoulders and a pair of reading glasses attached to a beaded chain that hung down her neck. "We're a seat short, do you mind if I take this one?"

"All yours" Harry shot her a dazzling smile, permitting her to take the chair. I stifled a little laugh at her reaction as he did so, she instantly became a little flustered and under his spell, toying nervously with her glasses. He did this without even trying.

"You're not local, are you?" Her lips pulled into a twitching smirk. She would have been at least fifty years old.

"Was it the accent that gave it away?" He looked up at her through his lashes, chin resting on his palm.

He's flirting with her.

I was a mere spectator to the entertainment.

"You look like a lovely couple" her eyes flicked over to me briefly. "Are you here on holiday?"

"Staying in Anna Bay for a few days" Harry responded, leaning back in his seat. Her eyes swiftly returned to his as she lit up with what looked like excitement.

"Anna Bay local" she beamed, pointing both of her thumbs towards her chest. "Say, we're having a little fundraiser tonight at the local club... there'll be a barbecue, live music and lots of fun. You two should come down!"

My lips tugged at the gesture as Harry extended his hand out to her. "I didn't catch your name..."

"Julie" she met her hand with his. "I'm head of the social committee at David Grahams Golf Club".

"A beautiful smile and a leader, how wonderful".

He was going all out here.

"Well Julie, we might see you later then. What time does this affair start?"

"Oh I hope so. We'll be there from five" She almost squealed giddily, dragging the chair over to her awaiting table.

"How do you do that?" I asked still in a state of shock.

"Do what?" His lips now twitched to a smile, feigning innocence.

"You just dazzle people". I shook my head, completely mesmerised.

"Are you turning into a little green eyed monster?" He jabbed, ignoring my question.

"I'm just in awe" I corrected truthfully.

"Did I dazzle you?" Harry asked as he topped up the glasses of water sat before us.

The corner of my lip pulled up and I looked out to the distance to show that I was considering the question. "Think you'll have to try harder".

"Ha" he laughed in disbelief. "I guess I'm going to have to wow you with the most obnoxiously romantic night tonight, then".

"Oh yeah?" I flirted, leaning further into the table. "What's on the agenda, stud?"

His tongue lapsed over his bottom lip, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes that never failed to stoke a fire within me.

"A barbecue at the local golf club". He wiggled his brows salaciously as he spoke.

"You're not serious, are you?"

Is that really how he wanted to spend our last night here?

"Oh Evie I've never been more serious about anything in my life... and I can't let down my new friend Julie".

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now