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Early 17th cent.

"Come on now, Jules. Clear off the lads. The sun's goin' down."

He screamed from across the small field.

"Have you counted them, brother?" The girl named Julia asked, approaching him. "Do you count your limbs every time you wake up, Jules?" He returned, giving a sarcastic smile.

Harcourt was young and life loving. His face reflected that quality in him. Bright eyes that sparkled and spoke volumes of what kind of person he was.

But he was poor. His boots were worn out and his tunic had nasty patches all over. He had one other pair, but that was in a similar but worse condition. His sister wore a similarly worn out gown.

They were very very poor. Miserably poor.

"I would know it in my heart if even one of them are missing. I know them since before you were born child." He then pet Julia's head.

"One would say you'd marry one of them, Harcourt."

A third voice boomed.

The siblings turned their head to the new arrival to the conversation.

The man was about the same age as Harcourt, only he looked very much different. Unlike him, he wore fine, clean silks. He wore buckled polished black shoes of the highest quality.

Harcourt greeted him by a nod of the head and a smile. Julia hastily hid behind her brother and took of her wimple and fixed her hair.

Harcourt notoriously moved a step left, revealing a anxious Julia with a nervous smile, who did take the chance to hit her brother in the arm.

"What is his kind Sire Joseph doing at our humble field at dusk? What use must we be to you?" Harcourt asked, doing a mocking curtsy at Joseph, who in return, chuckled in amusement.

"Are you returning, now?" Joseph asked to which Harcourt replied. "Yes, t'is been a long day for the lads. We were just heading back to the village."

"I see." Joseph said. "Would you mind if I take your sister home today?"

"Yes. I would-" Harcourt said, raising his brow. No way would he let his sister just go with anybody, even if that anybody was his childhood friend. "No he wouldn't. You carry on, I'll be home before dark." Julia told him. Well then.

"..Alright then, I suppose. I hope you'll stand by that, young lady. You two carry on. I'll be on my way with the sheep. Come 'ere now, beauties. We'll be off to leave the lovers loving. It would be an appalling sight to see any how."

"He is mad." Julia said, chuckling. Joseph smiled.

"Thats why they love him."


Present day


Donghyuck said, looking at his shirt.

"What happened?" Mijin asked. "A hole. In my shirt. " Donghyuck replied. Mijin face palmed. "Seriously, Hyuck?"

"Uh, yeah? This is my favorite shirt. The only gift Mark gave to me which I blatantly appreciate."

MIJIN- It's not that huge, just stitch it.
DONGHYUCK- Not that huge? I can get three fingers through it. SEE?! Oh it's painful to look at- I can't stand it!*dramatically looks away with disgust*

Mijin sighed. Who did I get stuck with in a age long queue?

When Mijin and Donghyuck's turn finally came,

RECEPTIONIST- Good evening, your names?
MIJIN- Suh Melissa Mijin. Here's my identity proof.
DONGHYUCK- Lee Donghyuck. Here's mine.

The two placed their passports on the desk as the receptionist checked them.

"Alright. Here are your room keys. You both will be sharing room number 127 on the first floor."

The two looked at each other and then back at the receptionist.

DONGHYUCK, MIJIN- I'm sorry- sharing rooms?
RECEPTIONIST- You heard me right the first time.
MIJIN- Uh is there any way we can get separate rooms?
RECEPTIONIST- No ma'am, we are already on a shortage of rooms as there are a lot of students and other guests. No arrangements can be made, sorry for the inconvenience.
DONGHYUCK- Alright then I suppose- Thank you.
RECEPTIONIST- Thank you, your luggage will be in your room shortly.

"I can't believe I have to share a room with you." Mijin said, shaking her head before proceeding to the elevator. "You know in comparison to Renjun you are a huge downgrade so let's not even talk about that." Donghyuck said rolling his eyes.

Just then Donghyuck's phone rang. On seeing it was, he declined without second thought.

Mijin noticed Donghyuck's annoyed expression but shrugged it off.

His phone rang, a second time. And a third.

Yoon Yurim
Is calling..


"You should pick up that call, who even is it? " Mijin asked. "Just Mark. I'll call him back once we are in the room." He lied, shrugging his shoulder. "Alright I suppose." 

She knew he was lying. But she didn't bother to confront him, he looked uncomfortable enough.

In her head, she hoped it was nothing concerning.

It was.


"What's your name?"

"Lee Donghyuck."

"How old are you?"


"A school student?"

"Yes. I'm in my last year."


His eyes never met the older man's. A psychologist. The best one in the whole country, not to mention.

Dr. Han Yoojung smiled softly at the young boy.

"Your mother dropped by your favorite chocolate cake, I don't think you noticed. Don't mind me, I had a slice. Oh speaking of food, do you want something to eat? It's almost lunch time."

Donghyuck said nothing.

"No, thank you."

"I see." Yoojung had had many patients, but he hadn't seen someone so young and so.. troubled.

"So, what's on your mind, Mr. Lee?"

"I.. don't know." He said in a monotone blank voice. "Are you sure?" Yoojung countered.

"No. In fact, I'm not sure whether it matters anymore. Whether I.."

Donghyuck's eyes went shut.

"Complete your sentence Donghyuck. I won't say anything."

"Whether.. I matter anymore. To myself."


The tension is building (hopefully)and hence the chapters are short.. I seriously hope you don't mind 😃

Also Im feeling a bit lazy so.. excuse me for lack of thought lol 💀

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