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Too well. He spoke too well. Almost as if the stage was made for him. And hence someone else was pissed off, knowing that the round of applause that followed his last sentence was well deserved. 

Donghyuck took in the feeling of his achievement, bowing in gratitude for the appreciation

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Donghyuck took in the feeling of his achievement, bowing in gratitude for the appreciation. 

"Thought he got in because of the money but- wow-" "Can you believe? Such good public speaking skills? I could barely talk to one person-" "I don't know whether I want to be him or be with him oh my God-" 

Last commenter is a simp but okay, it's Donghyuck, no judgement. 

Renjun and Sayuri, who were sitting in the side audience rows, shot a proud smile at their friend, who returned it with a smile of gratitude. They were proud of his achievement, definitely not forgetting to ask for a treat later.

Mijin who stood in the sidelines, capturing the front and side views of the stage, smiled vibrantly. She was proud, happy and excited for him, all at the same time. Donghyuck caught a glimpse of the girl in the said state, glad that he had done something to achieve that smile on her face which was meant for him. "You did it." She mouthed to him as he nodded in a feeling of achievement.

Someone, however, did not share the same emotions as these people.

Jihoon stood with envy at all the praise Donghyuck was getting. Probably bought it all with money, he thought to himself, rolling his eyes. But deep down within, even he knew that there was a lot of effort behind the effortless performance, a lot of sweat behind the tears of happiness. An enemy would capture those facts better than the best of friends.

And there it was: the feeling of everything being stolen away, again.

There had been a point where he had had those proud eyes too, but envy had gained power over the pride.

Jihoon's eyes turned scarlet, a color of nature that signified a strong, irreversible emotion.

His fist clenched, the praises and comments of the judges muted away by the voices from within. There had always been a multiple of those. His thoughts were like a conference in his head. A very unorganized one, to say the least.

Not again. He can't steal from what belongs to you again. End him. End everyone he loves. End his everything.

How can you even think so cruelly? He deserves what he got, you will get what you deserve! You still can turn things around!

You are powerful and strong. Use it.

There were many, but some, unfortunately, were more prevalent than the others.

And lo, a spotlight right above his head.

Almost immediately, his evil mind went into action.


Fate - NCT Haechan Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن