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1989, Seoul

"This has to be my last warning to you. If you don't get this properly-"

"Renjun, you have been my friend for ages on end, you know the efficiency of my people."

In a crowded bar, Renjun was talking to one of his allies, Junhui, who seemed to be trying to please a skeptical Renjun with a charming smile. 

"Also on the other hand, it's still quite far off. I don't see why you'd be concerned. " Junhui said.

"11 years, Jun. 11 years is not 'quite far off'. It is quite near, at least for immortals like us. We witnessed the two World Wars, the Korean War, this country becoming a republic, and it all feels like yesterday. We are already in 1989, for God's word! A decade doesn't go by something or the other happens, changes."

"Humans have surely come a long way?" Junhui looked around to see, humans, young and lively, living happily. To the young people spread across the club, their world was a very stable and normal one, but to those who had seen it change, it felt so  new, it was almost a different place altogether.

The new western influenced styles were catching the hand of youth, dresses, jeans, t-shirts, you name it. From the hanboks of the Joseon period to the modern 90s styles, the world seemed quite fast-changing.

"You'll be growing old in this world, Renjun. Don't look at change with disgust." Junhui said, patting Renjun's back. "Easy for you to say, you are retiring. When you get that human life, you'll forget me. I'll be all alone."

Junhui was, what humans call a Grim Reaper. He was the bringer of death and the angel of loss and grief. His job had been one of melancholy, but since he had done his part for a good long time, it was time for him to accept his reward.

A human's seven lives. Which weren't lonely and sad. Where life was limited but contended. And oh, someone to hold on to for 7 whole life times.

"If that's your way to say you will miss me, I'll accept it." Junhui chuckled. "Maybe try befriending humans."

Renjun scoffed.

"Humans? Friends? What a darn joke-"

"So what are you going to do, go back to your realm?" Junhui, smirked, he knew that he had defeated all of the other's arguments Renjun sighed.

Junhui was not slow to sense his friends sorrows, and hence changed the topic.

"So the two you are talking about, what's the problem?"

"Well.. they are the Eighth-Lifers."


She found herself in a hallway, running

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She found herself in a hallway, running. The hallway seemed to have no dead end, just an ongoing hallway with no cuts, going towards the same direction.

She looked left and right to find mirrors. An endless line of them, all very pristine.

It was a well decorated hallway, so beautiful and ethereal. But there was no escape, no exit.

And she ran, to find any exit she could, but in vain.

"Beware of your choices, be wise with your decisions, you don't know what lies ahead of you... Beware of you choices, be wise with your decisions, you don't k oa what lies ahead of you... "

A voice kept on chanting this warning. It echoed through the hallways. With every passing moment, it got louder, stronger and more fierce.

It drove her insane by the minute.

But just then she saw a familiar silhouette , as she went closer and closer, she sighed of relief.

The moment their eyes met, the voices stopped.

Blood. A pool of blood surrounded him, a dagger in his chest, and tears in his eyes.

Tears of blood.

She ran to him.

"I'm sorry, my love."


"Dear passengers, we have reached our destination, Paris, France. It is 6 AM according to CEST and 1 PM according to KST. The temperature is 20°C and the weather is bright and sunny. You can collect your luggage from Belt 27. Thank you for choosing ***** Airlines! We wish you a safe journey ahead or a pleasant stay!"


Mijin! We are here."

Jaemin shook Mijin who woke up shocked.


"I said we reac- woah why are you sweating- you good?" Jaemin asked with concern. "Y-Yeah I'm okay. Just a bad dream, heh."

"You've been having a lot of those, you have woken up at least 4 times in the whole flight duration with the same complaint, what's up?" Jaemin asked, handing her a water bottle. "Well- I don't know. It's weird. The worse part is they seem to be getting more ridiculously realistic? I don't know.. I don't have a good feeling about them. You get me?" Mijin said, taking the water bottle with gratitud.

"I don't.. But all I can say is take care? I'm always here to comfort you." Jaemin smiled, getting up and acquiring his and her backpack from  the cabin above.

"Thanks, you are the best as always Jaem."

JAEMIN- Let's go now, I'm excited as hell.
MIJIN- Yeah.. same-

Mijin did say that to upkeep Jaemin's excitement, but for whatever reason, she didn't share it. Something about the thought of coming here was uncomforting, for, again, whatever reason.

It was a feeling of dread that came with the arrival. Call it a gut feel or just bad vibes.

And the moment she got the first breathe of the Paris air, she could only reaffirm her feelings.

There is something very wrong, about the whole ordeal.


Comparatively shorter than  most of my chapters not to mention no headers? I don't know I just ran out of ideas but

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Comparatively shorter than  most of my chapters not to mention no headers? I don't know I just ran out of ideas but..
We are heading towards the main plot 😌
Lmk how you liking it so far 👀

Edit: added the headers hehe

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