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Mijin entered the main hallway, glancing over at the different hallways branching out of it. Billions of rooms and endless corridors. Students talking about homework, assignments and bunking classes. Yes, she heard that.

Mijin stood in the Epicheírisi building, which was surprisingly her first time

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Mijin stood in the Epicheírisi building, which was surprisingly her first time. It was usually Donghyuck who came to Techni, probably because  having all the friends around there. The interiors of the college were made to look like an office, quite the right opposite of the crazy graffiti covered walls back in Techni. There were kids practicing formal English, handshakes and business etiquette, while other were trying their level best to learn statistics from different kinds of business plans. She seemed to see everyone but the person she was searching for: Lee Donghyuck.

After glancing over for a bit, she did eventually found him, particularly unnoticeable in formal attire, talking to a bunch of other guys and girls, who appeared to be hearing him attentively. Donghyuck on the other end of the hallway, caught a glance of her, who was waving at him. He signaled her that he'd need five more minutes, telling her to wait. Mijin nodded, signaling him that she would be waiting outside. Donghyuck mouthed back an "Okay" and Mijin made her way out of the building.

??- Suh Mijin? 

Mijin look back to see who had called her, only to see Jihoon, who caught up with her.

Mijin was good friends with Jihoon. They talked now and then, quite frequently to say for the least. 

JIHOON- So, what is the prettiest girl of Techni doing in our humble college? 
MIJIN- You are way too nice and it gets on my nerves. *chuckles* Anyways, what is with that tux? I thought you didn't like formal wear?
JIHOON- I don't. It's just that we had a presentation today. We have this kind of thing where our professors act as investors and we have to like show them our business plan so they'd be ready to invest. It is very tiring and NO WE DO NOT GET ANY MONEY.
MIJIN- I mean, I suppose you get grades for it.
JIHOON- Still though, it isn't logical, AT ALL.

Mijin chuckled at a pissed off Jihoon.

JIHOON- You didn't answer my question though, gorgeous. *wink*

MIJIN- Well, just waiting for someone-

JIHOON- As in Donghyuck?

Jihoon's smile turns completely upside down when Mijin nodded. 

JIHOON- See, I know you guys are like dating and stuff...

Yes. He still thinks they are dating.

MIJIN- Let me clear it off though, we are not dating. We are good friends.
JIHOON- Is that so? 
MIJIN- Yes. 

JIHOON- So like, you are on good ties with him?
MIJIN- Yeah.
JIHOON- Not more than me right, pretty girl?

Jihoon made it sound like a joke, but inside, he was hoping for her face to go deadpanned serious and say that, in fact, she wasn't as close to anyone as she was to himself. He wanted her to say that she liked him more than she liked Donghyuck, that she liked his company more than Donghyuck. Everyone has dreams and aspirations, right? The feeling of Donghyuck's defeat gave him immense joy, he loved to steal everything that could be his. 

MIJIN- Gosh, you and your competitive ass. *chuckles*
JIHOON- *shrugs* That is Park Jihoon for you. *laughs*


DONGHYUCK- I do not by any chance, want us to mess this up, is that right? 
DONGHYUCK- Haha very funny. Now off with you lot, I'm going to eat lunch.
??- Okay then, Donghyuck-ssi. Will catch you at the group meeting.
DONGHYUCK- Cool. Bye guys.

He didn't like them one bit. 

That was Donghyuck's team for the investors' presentation, and honestly, it was basically him doing 99% of the work. So much for the teamwork factor. 

Either ways, Hyuck kept away his textbooks and notes and headed outside the building to search for Mijin. He had so much to tell her about, all the tea that went down, oh, and also about that thing going between Jeno and Jaemin- the two hadn't been as close recently. Oh and of course, Chenle's high school graduation ceremony. A highly important topic that was. It was in a week or so? 


Only to be met with the sight of Jihoon and Mijin talking and laughing. Oh well. Too much for waiting. And what was he expecting? A stinging feeling attacked him, pit forming in his stomach. Why are they still so close? Why is she laughing like that? Why do I want to be Jihoon right now? Donghyuck's eyes went over to look at the the soulmate bracelet, showing an ever so vibrant purple. Oh and yes, he knew what that meant, happy. He could've sworn that it showed red just a second ago, red as in love, as in a romantic emotion. But no, it was purple. Just purple. But could it have been though? Maybe the soulmate bracelet was lying? Maybe this whole soulmate thing was false? Oh my God why am I being cheesy? I'll just leave her and she'll come along for lunch. Why so dramatic? I'm really losing my mind. I shouldn't take up team projects. Or maybe it is just the soulmate thing? Something like that I guess. Donghyuck sighed. 


Jihoon noticed Donghyuck looking over at him. Oh those eyes, such misery in them, such worry. Oh, those eyes were shivering. That made him.. elated. Never had he seen that look in Donghyuck's eyes. This was the first time. And he felt glad to be alive to see them today. 


"So, is this going to go on between the two, for like, forever?"
"Well, if you did not forget, my dearest angel friend, that this is fate."
"So, fate, as in, unchangeable?"
"Fate, isn't unchangeable, it can be written and can be altered depending on the person it belongs to."

The angel rolled his eyes at his demon companion.

"Jeez, you do have a knack for philosophy, don't you Sayuri?"
"Couldn't have been surer myself, Renjun."


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