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My eyes follow him as he exits the door. "Where's he off to?" I ask as I see Donghyuck was out of sight.

 "Where's he off to?" I ask as I see Donghyuck was out of sight

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Mijin's POV

Just great. I started off on the wrong foot, that too, with my soulmate. But hey, he started it!

"We don't know." Jaemin says shrugging. "Mark hyung do you?" Mark replies with a no. "He's is always up to something at this time nowadays. Like, he's always out. God knows what he does." Mark shrugs. Curiosity got the best of me and I asked again, "But isn't it weird? He goes out during the time when most people sleep?" 

"It is kinda out of place, yeah, but why are you so curious though?" Jeno asked. Should I tell them or should I not? For some reason I stick to not telling them that Donghyuck's my soulmate... yet.

"Ohh.. just like that. I can be really unnecessarily curious at times, don't ask why. Hehe." I lie, hoping that no one sensed anything off. My interest remained. I felt like I needed to know everything about this Donghyuck guy, even if I just fought with him just a few moments before. Probably an initial tendency. "Guys I'll be back." I get up, grabbing my belongings. "Where are you off to?" Seolhee asks to which I reply, "I had to tell Johnny something. I'll be back soon." I lied yet again as I exit the lounge without answering the rest of the question.

I exited the building hoping that no one would notice. After looking around, I saw the guy wearing a white t-shirt with a neat-looking black leather jacket and ripped jeans, wearing a mask that covered his face. "That's Donghyuck." I told myself, following the latter, slowly and stealthily so he doesn't figure that someone's following him, let alone the fact it's me. I know he's gonna stat teasing me, saying that I am nosy and stuff. 

I continued following his steps till he stops in front of a building that looked like a clinic, a very smart looking one for that matter of fact. Donghyuck entered the building. I proceed to enter the building but then I realized, they might definitely consider me to be some paparazzi or something and they may totally not let me in. But then again, windows are good enough.


Donghyuck's POV

I knock on the door.

??- Who's it?
DONGHYUCK- It's me hyung.
??- Oh Hyuck! Come in come in!

I was standing in front of a office, or rather as mentioned on the board:

Dr. Park Seonghwa
Head Doctor and Consultant

How do I know him? Well, we completed our high school education in the same school. Although he was senior, I was still pretty close to him. After school  for Medicine, but now he is a very reputed doctor here, in Seoul. 

SEONGHWA- Hey there Hyuck! Long time no see man!
DONGHYUCK- Yeah right. I know you enjoyed the time I was away. 
SEONGHWA- Frankly yes I did..
DONGHYUCK- Expected.
SEONGHWA- *Chuckles* So what brings my least favorite patient here today?
DONGHYUCK- I don't know hyung.

SEONGHWA- Is it the birthmark thing bothering you again?

The birthmark in context was this huge scar-like thing starting from my collarbone to my chest I have had ever since I was born. It was like someone literally stabbed me with a sword or something. The thing is that the birthmark has been hurting a fricking lot since the past few weeks. And today the pain's worse.That's what brings me to Seonghwa hyung's office.

DONGHYUCK- How do you always manage to guess?
SEONGHWA- Umm.. I spent 4 years rotting in medical school in between of all competition and pressure?

DONGHYUCK- Reasonable enough. So what's your approach to this problem, Dr. Park?
SEONGHWA- Dr. Park? Sorry that's a lot of respect for me to digest. Especially form you.

DONGHYUCK- Don't get used to it. 

SEONGHWA- *in sarcastic tone* Much more digestible, thank you!
DONGHYUCK- Well? What d'you have to say?
SEONGHWA- Well Hyuck, I don't really know. I have thought over all the possible reasons as to why that birthmark of yours aches so much, like, it is just a birthmark. None of your tests show any sign of internal injury.

DONGHYUCK- That's not all hyung, there's more to it now.
SEONGHWA- Wait what do you mean? Elaborate.

I slightly hesitate. I wasn't really intending on telling anyone that I have found my soulmate, who I didn't really start off with on a good note.

DONGHYUCK- Well the thing is-

I freeze in my position when I heard a loud BANG from outside. 

DONGHYUCK- I think I should leave now. Might be that paparazzi shit again. 
SEONGHWA- Might be stressing to be the 'Future Leader of the Business Industry', right?
DONGHYUCK- Talk about it hyung.
SEONGHWA- I guess I'll see you later then. Call me if anything else happens, K?
DONGHYUCK- K hyung, see ya! Bye!


Donghyuck exits the clinic and follows back to where the loud sound had came from.

Certain enough, there was a girl standing, glancing through a window. "I swear to God these paparazzies need to find a hobby." he whispered to himself with an eyeroll. 

Donghyuck sneaked up to the girl, and when he was at the right distance, he turned the girl around by the shoulder. "YA WHAT ARE Y-" he gets off and looks at the girl.

"Mijin? What are you doing here?"

"Mijin? What are you doing here?"

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Hey guys! 

I just wanted to inform that this book will be having slower updates since my exams are around the corner. I'll try my best to update but I wanted to let you know.

Thank you so much!

Loads of love,

Fate - NCT Haechan FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora