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Donghyuck's POV

The announcer proceeds after sometime.

"Before proceeding to anything, I welcome you all with warmest regards to Neo Tech University. Congratulations to each one of you for making it here. In this current moment you might be standing in Epicheírisi, the College of Bussiness; Téchni, the College of Arts or Akademia, the College for Academic Studies, depending on the major you have chosen. I would like you to follow your professors to the head auditorium. This announcement is for first-years only. I repeat, please follow your professors to the main lecture hall. 

Thank you so much!"

This is confusing enough, considering I'm the ONLY one in Business? Like the rest of em just went for Arts? Inconsiderate people seriously. 

"Confused? Cuz same." 

I turned around to see a person I never expected to see.


Park Jihoon is one of my ex-classmates. I have, well, very fond memories of him.


When I was 8, we were choosing our cubbies. 

RENJUN- Donghyuck! Let's have our bags right next to each other! You choose that shelf and I'll choose the one next to it!

DONGHYUCK- Nice idea! Let's do that-

JIHOON- Umm that's actually my shelf- sorry. Can you choose the other ones?

When I was 11, we were having selections for the football team at our school.

DONGHYUCK- Umm.. coach, I was wondering whether I could participate for the football team-
COACH- Donghyuck, I really appreciate it, I mean you are an absolute ace, but we have already selected another student for the final slot- what's his name now? Oh yeah Park-
DONGHYUCK- Jihoon. Got it. No worries.

And the saga continued everywhere. Even at lunch in high school.

DONGHYUCK- Aaah- the food today looks so yum- I can't- let's get in line firs-
JAEMIN- Are you sure you're gonna be the first one in line?

And of course, Jihoon was there at the front of the line for lunch, way before me.

<<End of Flashback>>

Here we go again.

"Oh Jihoon! Hey! Nice to meet you again."

Oh I will not lie I do have a certain urge to punch him right now.

"Pleasure is all mine, friend. What are you doing here?" Jihoon said. "Well it is my college so.."

"You got in?! Oh wow. Great job!" He said. I did hear him say under his breathe, did he really get in? But I could care less.

JIHOON- So how's things going for you?


JIHOON- I had a great time really.. holding lectures and going to seminars keeps you real busy you know, oh and I had also been to our high school once as special guest.

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