"I'm sorry I threw you!" Jungkook quickly chimed in, "I honestly didn't think about it. I was so fucking scared when we heard Namjoon's mom that I didn't know what to do-"

"So you throw me to the ground?!" Melody finally said

"I necessarily didn't throw you to the ground..." Jungkook explained, "I pushed you away and you tripped..." he softly said

"Unbelievable..." she mirthlessly chuckled

"We aren't like you, Melody. This life is all we know and this is the type of shit that our parents would cut us off for-"

"So that's what this is about? Your mommy and daddy cutting you off from their money? What the fuck even is that?!" Melody yelled, cutting off Taehyung.

"Melody, we're trying to have a simple conversation and you're getting loud and ob-"

"Obnoxious? Were you about to say I was being fucking obnoxious?!"

"Hoseok please, shut up!" Jin said quickly before taking a breath, "Mel... Truth be told what Jimin and Taehyung said is correct. We don't share this part of us with anyone. We trusted Georgina with the knowledge and it made her obsessed with us. Then we met you and you not only fit with us but also didn't mind the idea of being with the seven of us... It's new to us all and adding parents into that equation is just scary..."

Yoongi gently pulled her toward him, "I don't regret anything I've done with you... and truth be told I can't wait to do it again, with a sober mindset and in an intimate setting. That, if anything, sealed the deal for me. You are one of us and if we can continue this... continue to work this out then... Telling our parents won't be so hard..."

"Yes...Like what if we tell them and you realize this isn't for you? I mean we heard what you said to Georgina... and if that's how you truly feel then-" Namjoon softly spoke

"It's not..." She mumbled, "I was just upset..."

"Tell me," Jungkook began as he edged closer to her, leaving the door unguarded, "Have you told your parents? About all of us in the capacity that we want to be?"

Melody didn't speak and when she didn't  the others came closer to her, "We like you, Melody.... a lot. We're sorry we fucked up and our reasoning is kind of ass but can we pleeeaaassseee just see where this goes first?" Jimin pleaded

"And if it works out, parents, friends, whoever doesn't like it can fuck off." Hoseok said with a grin

"I don't like being a secret... but I also get not fucking up something for a situation that we all don't fully know will work out yet..."

"Do you forgive us?" Jin queried

"What do I get if I do?" She chuckled, not brave enough to glance up from the floor.

Jungkook sucked his teeth, opening the shed door, "She's gonna be trouble."

"She already is," Jin said pulling her into his arms and holding her tightly.

"Does that mean we have to act weird around each other the rest of the trip? We're only here for another day... we leave tomorrow night." Taehyung spoke as he followed Jungkook out.

The rest, after Jin released Melody, piled out after,

"I mean... Georgina's gonna bitch regardless... at one of us more than the other." Jimin added

Melody noticed the way that Namjoon smacked Jimin's arm, but they'd just made up so she chose to ignore it for now.

"I say we just go with the flow." Yoongi meandered through their group to find Melody's hand and smiled to himself when he finally grabbed it.

"Well I don't care what we do, all I know is that it involves a lot of food and a lot of alcohol." Hoseok shouted as he ran into the house.

"Ya know, I second that." Mickey said as she rounded the corner from the kitchen,

Once Melody stepped into the house she pinched her sister who in turn turned around with her fist raised, "You don't fucking pinch!"

"You don't fucking send your sister into a trap!" Melody rebutted

"Did it work?" She glanced over to the seven men who held goofy smiles, "Then my job is done. They came to my room like fucking lost dogs last night. I couldn't say no... they're my future brother in-laws." She pouted


"I like them so make it work, Mel." She said cutely before running out the back door and splashing into the pool.

"We ordering in? Or we cooking?" Taehyung asked

"Ordering in, and Namjoon and Jungkook are in charge of liquor." Yoongi commanded

"On it!" They shouted, grabbing their wallets and heading for the door.

"Did they order a Lyft?" Melody wondered, sitting at the island in the kitchen and eating a pretzel.

Taehyung sat beside her, taking her pretzel and shaking his head, "Nope." He popped the 'p' before throwing the salted snack into his mouth.

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