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On Brainiac's Ship whilst last chapter was happening.

Superman was weakened by the dagger making Batman able to block any of his
blows and slice him again. The two fought again with Superman tightening his grip on Batman. Batman then drops the dagger, which Wonder Woman picks up quickly so Batman can't have any advantage over Superman. His power started to come back and Superman runs at Batman, holding him up by the throat. Supergirl goes to him to try to and make him stop.

Supergirl: You don't want to do this!

Green Lantern then tackles Superman away, letting Supergirl help Batman to his feet.

Green Lantern: Stop, Clark!  this is over! (Supergirl flies behind him)

Wonder Woman goes to get her sword but Flash holds her restrains her.

Flash: Uh-uh.

Wonder Woman elbows  Flash in the chin. Green Lantern raises his fist to put Superman down with a light construct, but Black Adam grabs Supergirl from behind. Aquaman then joins the party, ready to stab Batman. Bruce I mean Batman senses him and gets out the way by throwing smoke bombs. As Aquaman coughs from the smoke, Batman charges him with quick and light punches. Superman strikes Green Lantern hard that Hal has to make a shield, but Superman punches it with the combined power of his anger and sadness, he breaks it. Lantern manages to escape and he makes a big green hand, crushing Superman. Then he decided to throws the Clark out of the ship and into Gotham were they play their game of cat and mouse. With Aquaman, he attacks Batman, who  dodges yet another strike from the Trident. Batman grabs the Trident and gets into a struggle with Aquaman.

Batman: Arthur, don't do this!  You don't want to follow Clark!

Aquaman: I'm not following anyone (kicks Batman who backs up a bit) You've never understood Atlantis, Bruce! We are an ancient people with an old-fashioned sense of justice!

Batman is prepared for Aquaman and knew just how to beat him. Aquaman is just not at Batman's level and he is taken down with ease.

Batman: Atlantis needs to get with the times.

Aquaman stands up and thrusts his trident at Batman but the Dark Knight spins and takes the Trident out of Aquaman's hands and thrusts it into his thigh. Aquaman looks at Bruce in pain, Batman backs away.

Batman: I'm tired of fighting you, Arthur.

Black Adam was using his power to hurt Supergirl. Batman tries to catch Adam of guard from behind but he is zapped as well. Black Adam then tackles Batman out of the Skull ship. Flash is busy having a duel with Wonder Woman which he wins  and heads over to check on Supergirl.

Supergirl: (standing) Batman knew they'd double-cross him. We have to move!

Black Adam holds Batman by the arms over Gotham and smiles.

Black Adam: There's no escape.(Batman headbutts Adam)You wish to fall?! So be it! (lets go of Batman)

Batman falls and uses his glider wings to safely get down to the streets of Gotham. He looks behind him to see Black Adam landing near by.

Batman: Go back to Kahndaq, Adam!  Stay here and you'll be prosecuted!

Black Adam: You'd have to capture me, Batman and I've underestimated you for the last time.

Black Adam maybe be a God but Batman is the one of the worlds greatest heros who has beaten harder foes. Overall Batman wins and takes Adam out so he can carry on with his plan.

Batman: All that ancient wisdom, wasted. (gets on comm) Supergirl, where are you?

Supergirl: (on comm) They're following me.

Batman: Lead them to the Cave.

Batman calls the Batmobile and he  drives back to the cave. When he there, he heads to a locker which inside has an armor to match Superman's power. The AK-5U98R, a Kryptonite-powered armor. He never wanted to use it but he has no choice. If he was going to save everyone from Clark he will have to use it. Later, Supergirl comes running in with Superman and Wonder Woman behind her. Then she stops near Brother Eye, confusing Clark and Diana.

Wonder Woman: She led us right to him.

Superman: It's no accident you brought us here.

Batman: Of course, it isn't! (appears in his Kryptonite-based armor)

Supergirl: I warned him about Diana, but I didn't believe you'd turn on me!

Superman turns and nods to Wonder Woman, who takes out her sword and turns to fight Batman. Superman and Supergirl go and fight as well.

Wonder Woman: This is the last time, Bruce! No more secrets, no more schemes.

Batman: Schemes?! I'm not the one who stoked Clark's worst fears!

Wonder Woman rushes Batman but he deflects the sword with his armor and counters with a kick that knocks her back a bit. She comes charging back and slashes at his helmet. This time he is the one knocked back.

Wonder Woman: To pacify man's world, Kal needed steel, not compassion.

Batman: But you didn't bring peace. You started a war!

Wonder Woman is as fast and kinda powerful as Superman. Yet the suit gives Batman some advantages.  Even if she is powerful no one can stop Batman when he is determined to stop Superman and Wonder Woman. He K.O.s Wonder Woman and she lays unconscious

Batman: (to Diana) Your war is over!

Batman leaves the unconscious Wonder Woman to lay unconscious where she is as he goes to Superman who is looking at Supergirl. Realising Batman was behind him he stands up and turns the Dark Knight.

Superman: Fighting on the same side, it felt like old times. But I guess we both knew it would end this way.

Batman: Do you remember that night?  When you told me Lois was pregnant?

Superman: You knew even before I said anything.

Batman: That was a good memory.

Superman: From another lifetime.

Batman: I miss the people we were then.

Superman: Me, too.

Suddenly, Superman punches Batman into the depths of the Cave. Batman's armor takes the damages. He still stands as Superman flies in.

Superman: (eyes glowing red) Quit, Bruce! You can't win!

Batman: You of all people know, Clark. I never quit!

Bruce may not have super powers but his technology and the Kryptonite suit he is wearing gives him an advantage over the Kryptonian. It was a deadly fight that no one would know who would walk out standing. Yet the Dark Knight is the person who won.

Superman struggles to rise but when he does he rushes Batman but Bruce punches him one mighty punch. Clark is down. Superman tries his best to continue the fight but ultimately  falls to the floor. Then Batman drop to his one knee in pain and exhaustion. Supergirl walks up to him.

Supergirl: Is he?

Batman: He'll be out for a while.  I'm sorry, Kara,

Supergirl: For what?

Batman: I couldn't save him.

Supergirl looks at her cousin and seems to understand what Bruce means but out of nowhere a blue beam hits Kara in the shoulder and she goes on one knee. The mysterious attacker then picks her up and uppercuts her then proceed to chuck Kara to the floor. Batman was about to get up and help but he to was attacked by the same person except he is only kicked in the stomach but with such power that he hits the roof then falls to the floor. He calls you and you pick up then he says.

???: Come to the Bat cave quickly if you want to see your friends a live.

And that is another chapter done. Two more left then the book is finished. I hope you have enjoyed and thank you for all votes and people adding this to reading lists. Thank you so much. See you all in the next chapter goodbye.

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