She finds the Truth

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Superman, Nightwing and Black Adam was talking until Supergirl came flying in.

Supergirl: Kal, we need to talk.

Superman: (to Damian and Adam) Give me a minute, both of you. (both leave as Kal goes to his cousin.) Damina told me what happened.  Is Diana all right?

Supergirl: I don't know, She is fighting Ghidorah as we speak but she was gonna kill Harley.  I've never seen her so cold-blooded.

Superman: Yes, it's unfortunate.

Supergirl: I know. What was she thinking?!

Superman: It's unfortunate Diana chose now to deal with Harley. More unfortunate that you got in her way!

Supergirl: (shocked) What?!

Superman: The Joker sickened Harley's mind beyond healing.  When she relapses, innocent people will die.

Supergirl: Innocent people are dying now! She was helping us!

Superman: Don't be naive, Kara.  Harely's a criminal. My only mistake
was not dealing with her sooner.

Supergirl: Diana said the Joker was executed.  Were YOU the one who?

Superman: (getting angry) I took one life to save millions!

Supergirl: But it WASN'T just one, Kal, was it? How many? HOW MANY?! (touches the "S" on Kal's chest) Everywhere I go, people are afraid of this. Now I know why!

Superman: It's not how I wanted things.  But humans, they've been slaughtering each other for millennia. I stopped that violence. Humans need strong leadership. We have to save them from themselves!

Supergirl: Whose son are you?  Jor-El's or General Zod's?! (Starts flying out of the place)

Superman: Kara! (over an intercom heard throughout the Fortress) Don't let
Kara leave the Fortress!

Supergirl stops as she accidentally encounters Nightwing who is trying to make sure she does not leave the fortress.

Nightwing: Hold on, Kara.

Supergirl: I'm realizing maybe your father locked you up for good reason!

Nightwing: Superman's been more of a father than Batman could ever be!

With Nightwing may have the experience. But everyone, even Damien, can't beat Supergirl in strength. Kara takes Nightwing down.

Supergirl: Kal should be setting a better example!

Supergirl goes to leave but is blocked by a magic shield, created by Black Adam.

Black Adam: You wil submit, Kara Zor-El!!

He blasts her with lightning, she goes into some big crystals that are behind them

Supergirl: (standing up) Ever since you found me, everything you told me half-truths lies to cover up your own evil!

Black Adam: You see the world as a child does. Good and evil are not constants.  Their meaning's defined by those with power!

Black Adam's magic is one weakness of Kara, but her wanting to carry on fighting overpowers Adam as she won't stay down. She manages to win against him.

Supergirl: Lucky for you, I find power in restraint!

Superman: (appears Infront of her) Kara, please. Listen to me. With our powers, we can't hold back or the ones we love pay the price.

Supergirl: I'm sorry I wasn't here that I couldn't help you. But Metropolis wasn't your fault!

Superman: I promised myself: never again.

Supergirl: This isn't who we are. The House of El isn't ruled by fear.

Superman: Hope isn't enough to save the world! Without me, they'd be dead!

The two Kryptonians come to battle eachother.  The only advantage for Supergirl is that her cousin power hasn't been restored fully. Kara manages to
pin Kal-El down long enough to escape but she doesn't turn and leave. Not yet anyway.

Supergirl: I can help you

Superman stands and Nightwing and Black Adam surround her.

Superman: Think about all you've lost, Kara. What if you could've saved Krypton?

Supergirl: I think about it every day!

Superman: Then stand with me.

Suddenly, booms are heard outside as Supergirl begins to panic at the sound.

Supergirl: It's Brainiac. He's extracting the cities early!

Black Adam: Then we fight back!  I must go to protect Kahndaq.

Superman: Go. We're heading to Metropolis.

Nightwing: What about her?!

Superman: All that matters now is stopping Brainiac. But, when this is over, you need to choose. You're either with me or against me!

kara doesn't like that decision as she wants Kal to be safe and happy but he has turned into a tyrant. There is no saving Superman. Except one person one her mind which has been on it for sometime was. Y/n Ghidorah.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. See y'all in the next one. Goodbye.

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