Chapter 13

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Ladybug: No...

Ladybug had just witnessed her friends being captured. Again.

Ladybug: It... can't be...

She fainted.

Chat Noir: LADYBUG!!! 

Chat Noir rushed over to her.


He started to cry. He'd already lost most of his friends to Monarch. He didn't want to lose the love of his life to him as well.

Chat Noir: Please...

Eventually, Chat Noir fainted as well.

"-see things others couldn't. Notice things others couldn't. It was fascinating. Some people, however, found it scary. They became distrustful of others, suspecting that they might not even be from their own world. The worlds merging was so great, yet so terrible."

Marinette woke up to the sound of music playing.

Marinette: Where am I?

She eventually got up to see where the music was coming from. 

???: Up already?

Marinette was startled.

Marinette: W-Who are you?

???: You can call me Ellen. 

Marinette: Why am I here, Ellen?

Ellen: Iris and the others found you and that boy over there unconscious outside. So they took you two in here to rest.

Marinette was surprised. She wanted to thank the girls for helping them.

Marinette: Where is Iris?

Ellen: She should be in that room over there practicing. 

Marinette: Thanks!

She then went over to the room and opened the door to see 3 girls. They seemed to be practicing for a show or something. Either way, their music was really good.

Eventually, they finished. Marinette clapped for them.

Marinette: That was really good!

The blonde girl smiled.

???: Thanks. 

The girl then frowned.

???: Are you feeling okay?

Marinette: I feel fine, thanks.

???: That's great! I'm Iris, and these are Talia and Auriana.

Marinette: I'm Marinette!

Auriana: That was a wonderful costume you were wearing earlier! Where did you get it from?

Marinette: Wh-What costume?

Auriana: That ladybug costume.

Marinette froze. They saw her as Ladybug? 

Marinette: Uh... 

Talia: You're a superhero, right?


Marinette: Wh-Where did you get that idea from?!?!??!

Talia: I did some research. Are you Ladybug?

Marinette knew that there was no point in hiding it.

Marinette: Yeah...

Auriana: You're a superhero?! Cool! We're superheroes too!

Talia: Auriana! You weren't supposed to tell her that!

Iris: It's alright, Talia.

Marinette was shocked. These girls were also superheroes?

Marinette: You guys are superheroes?

Iris: Kind of. 

Marinette: That's awesome! 

Marinette: Maybe they could help her save her friends and defeat- No, I shouldn't do that. I've already been such a big burden!

Iris could see that something was wrong.

Iris: Is everything okay?

Marinette: Well... 

Marinette thought for a bit. Should she really tell them? Would they even believe her?

Iris: It's okay, Marinette. You can tell us what's going on.

Talia: You were unconscious earlier. Is it serious or something?

Marinette: Y-Yes actually.

Marinette explained everything. How her friends got captured. How she became Ladybug. What the miraculous were. Who Monarch is.

Auriana: Wow. That's a lot to process.

Marinette: I know. 

Iris: What about that boy? Who's he?

Marinette: Oh, that's Adrien. My bo- partner.

While the others were chatting, Adrien came down.

Adrien: Marinette! There you are! I was looking for you.

Marinette: Hey, Adrien!

Iris: You're her partner?

Adrien: Yeah- Wait, how-

Marinette: They saved us and saw us detransform. 

Adrien: I- Thank you. For saving us.

Iris: No problem.

Talia: So, what are you guys planning to do next?

Marinette's smile turned into a line.

Marinette: We're gonna save our friends!

The room was silent for a bit.

Adrien: Marinette, how do you plan on doing that? We don't even know where they are!

Marinette: I'm sure they're out there. They can fight. I know it. We saw them do it. Besides, we can't just leave them to rot! We're the reason they're captured in the first place. So we have to save them!

Adrien thought about it for a while and smiled. Then Iris smiled too and spoke up.

Iris: We can help you.

Talia: Iris-

Iris: I know we barely know them, Talia, but they look like good people. I want to help them.

Marinette: Are you sure? 

Iris's smile grew.

Iris: Yes.

Catwoman: We couldn't get those jewels you requested.


Harley: BUT, we managed to capture some others in our way!

Monarch sighed angrily.

Monarch: It's fine. We'll get them next time.

Catwoman started having doubts. Would they get them next time? Why did they even need to get those pieces of jewelry anyway?

Then, the Lemon Demon Monster guy spoke up.

Lemon Demon/Monster: Why do we need these jewels, sir?

Monarch: You don't need to know.

Catwoman: Well, you seem to really want them. If we're gonna get them for you, at least tell us why you want them.

Monarch grinned. A very VERY evil grin.

Monarch: I want to rewrite history.

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