Chapter 2

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Just one minute before our heroes got teleported, a girl named Alex had just finished shopping at the mall with her best friend Levi.

Levi: Bestie... why did you get so much stuff?

Alex: They were 80% off, Levi! That'll probably never happen again!

Levi: Ugh...

And then out of the blue, a portal appeared in the sky, dropping 3 strangely dressed people out of it. One of them got hit by the wing of a plane.

Alex: Oof, that must hurt.

Levi: Ya think?

And then the black figure carried the red one down to the ground with some sort of pole?!?!?!

Levi: ...Well that was certainly something.

Alex: Let's go check it out!


Despite her bestie's pleas, Alex took Levi's hand and ran over to where she thought the strange figures could have landed. Eventually, she found them.

Ladybug pulled out her yo-yo phone to check their location.

Ladybug: It says that we're in... TEXAS?!?!

Ladybug looked around frantically. There was no way that they had teleported all the way to America. There was no way.

Chat Noir: Ladybug, don't worry! We'll find a way out of this!

???: Um, hello?

Both of them turned to face a girl with big blonde hair and a boy who seemed to be carrying all of her things for some reason.

Ladybug: Who are you?

Alex: Oh! I'm Alex, and this is my best friend Levi!

Chat Noir: Hmm, maybe they've seen Monarch around here.

Chat Noir: Uh, excuse me ma'am, but have you seen a certain guy? Wears all purple, creepy looking, yay high-

Alex: No? Why do you ask?

Ladybug: You see, that guy is a very bad guy. We've been trying to defeat him for months now and he's stolen all of the-

Ladybug stopped for a moment. Did they even know what miraculous were?

Ladybug: -important things that we need to take back that could cause chaos.

Levi laughed in the background, dropping all the bags of clothes.


And then, an akumatized villain appeared.

The akumatized villain, apparently: HAHAHA! WOOHOO! COME AND GET ME!

*A few minutes earlier*

Jaxx: Ugh! Alex has been gone for weeks and I still haven't taken over the squad! Grrr...

Somewhere nearby, Monarch sent an akuma after the guy.

Monarch: Conquerer (A/N: I'm sorry I couldn't think of a better villain name), I am Monarch. So you aren't able to take something over? I'm giving you the ability to do that! From now on, everyone will obey your commands! All I ask in return are Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous.

Jaxx: Oh you'll get them all right.

*Present time*

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