Rock Band Bad Boy🥵💙

Start from the beginning

The blue-eyed boy quickly rushed out of the bathroom and headed to his last class...


There was a knock on the door and Louis went to open it since he was the only one home, his eyes widened when he saw Harry standing next to Anne, one of his mom's closest friends. "Hey, Louis, is Jay here?" Louis shook his head, "No, she had to take a coworker's shift at the hospital," Anne nodded, "Well, alright, are you still able to tutor today?" Louis smiled softly, "Of course, Anne," 

Louis moved to the side and Harry walked in, "See you in a few hours, Harry," the green-eyed boy nodded, "Bye mum," Anne smiled and waved goodbye before Louis shut the door. It was just them now...

"So, you like my band's music?" Louis bit his lip with a faint blush and nodded softly, "What got you into the band?" he asked as he followed Louis up the stairs. "Went to a festival where a bunch of bands were playing and you and your band happened to be there and I just really liked it," he explained nervously, "B-But that was before I actually met you in high school," 

Harry frowned, "Oh, um, thanks for tutoring me by the way," Louis nodded as he opened the door to his bedroom, "Of course," he murmured. There was an awkward tension filling the space of Louis' medium-sized room, the green-eyed boy notice a poster for his band that they made for the festival that Louis talked about and smirked slightly. 

Louis noticed Harry staring at his band's poster and blushed with embarrassment, "Oh, sorry, I should probably take that down," Harry shook his head, "No, don't, I think it's kinda hot that you have my band's poster on your wall," Louis looked away and blushed a bright red.

"Can I say something?" Harry asked, making the smaller nod, "I'm sorry, so, so sorry," Harry breathed out, Louis looked at him and raised a brow. "Seriously, I'm so fucking sorry," he said as he walked closer to the older, "I shouldn't have done anything that I did to you, and I hope that you could possibly start to forgive me for being a complete dickhead,"

"Why are you apologizing all of a sudden?" Harry bit his lip, "Because you were starting to scare me, these past two days, your attitude completely changed. Today you asked if you should just back up into a corner, That worried me, I don't want to hurt you anymore and I'm so sorry that I ever did," 

The green-eyed boy cradled his cheek gently in his hands, "I'm sorry, Louis, and I hope that you believe me and I hope that you can forgive me one day," Louis smiled softly as he lifted his arm to hold Harry's wrist. "Please, please, forgive me," he begged. Louis' sleeve lowered slightly revealing a few cuts on his wrists, and the taller noticed them from the corner of his eye. 

The petrified look on Harry's face would be engrained in Louis' mind forever even though he only saw it for a second before he was pulled into a tight hug. "Oh my god, what have I done?!" Louis felt tears brimming his eyes, he's never seen Harry get emotional, and to see himself hurting and watching Harry break down over it, knowing that he was the reason, made his heart shatter. Harry let out a sob, "I'm s-so sorry, Why did I ever want to do this to you?" 

After a few minutes, Harry finally pulled away, "I'm so, so fucking sorry, I know I was the one that made you do this," tears were streaming down his face as he held Louis close to him. "Please don't hurt yourself anymore, o-okay?" A few tears rolled down Louis' cheeks, "I won't, I promise," Harry pressed their foreheads together, "I'm so fucking sorry, love,"

Louis' heart clenched at how broken Harry's voice sounded, the green-eyed boy cupped his cheeks again "I'm so, so fucking sorry, my darling, I never wanted this," he whispered before connecting their lips. Louis let more tears fall as he felt how much love, care, and passion Harry was putting into the kiss. "You are so beautiful, you're body is perfect... Your skin isn't paper, so don't cut it, okay?" he murmured against Louis' lips, "I won't, never again, I promise,"

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