Fake Dating (pt. 3)

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"May I?" He asked before taking a breath.

The tip of Arthit's shoes bumped his and only then he noticed that his senior had taken a step closer to him.

"Yes." He mumbled, trapped in the spell that was Arthit.

Reaching his hand, he threaded his fingers through his, locking them together in that one small way. He was holding on to him. To them. Arthit pulled him closer. Mouths inches apart. Temptation and need mounting. His lips parted. For a moment, things felt normal. The air was charged with palpable passion.

Kongpob shivered when he took his face gently in both hands and he bent bent to capture his lips with his.

The kiss started out soft and gentle, just a brushing of lips. But soon Arthit deepened the kiss, drawing him closer. Kongpob pressed into the solid strength of his chest as his lips played havoc with his heart rate. He slid up his arms and into the soft raven hair at his nape. He breathed in the masculine scent of his senior.

Finally they separated. Both were breathing heavily.

"Kong... I-"

Kongpob resumed kissing him eagerly, both his hands now arriving on either side of his face, his thumbs brushing tenderly over his cheeks.

Somewhere beyond, the song ended and another began. There was movement on the outside, some shuffling, and he finally opened his eyes just as their glorious kiss came to a conclusion.

Arthit rested his forehead on his, breathing heavily into the small space between their faces while neither of them dared to say a word.

The others people on the dance floor weren't paying the two of them the slightest bit of attention. And why would they? They'd just done what any normal couple would do. Nobody knew how the moment transported them, how it had altered him.

"Do you think they'll miss us?" Arthit asked hoarsely.

"What?" Kongpob breathed, their foreheads still together as he watched his mouth move.

He bit his lip, hiding a smile. "If we leave now, will they notice we're gone?" He asked, more slowly.

"Oh..." He shook his head, mute in his shock, unable to form a coherent sentence.

If he was reading the situation correctly, Arthit might like him too. At least he liked him enough to want to be alone with him after a kiss.


Or, he wanted to leave so he wasn't forced to kiss him again.

Crap. He really hoped that wasn't the case.

There was just one way to find out.

Kongpob opened the door of their room and moved aside for the other to enter, Arthit hand clutching him but before the door was closed, Kongpob was hard-pressed up against it and his senior's lips were on his.

So... he liked him?

Arthit didn't give him time to consider the answers of his many questions before nuzzling the tender skin in the hollow of his neck, and Kongpob exhaled a soft whoosh of air in pure pleasure.

His pale fingers dug into his hair, lifting his head, and his lips nibbled a path over the pulse throbbing crazily in him, to another tender place behind his ear. Kongpob's back arched and he writhed, his hands guiding his lips back to his.

"Tell me you want me to kiss you." Arthit demanded.

He bit his lower lips and refrained from answering. The older man's lips nipped his brow, his cheeks, his cheeks, drving him wild.

"Please." He whispered.

"Please what? Please go away? Please continue?"

Kongpob tugged on his hair, but the other man ignored his attempt to draw him closer.

"Tell me, Kong."

"Kiss me, P'."

Kongob rolled off him, breathing hard, lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. A ceiling he'd stared at for the last two days, replaying his feelings over and over again. Replaying that moment his senior would find out about his feelings and break things off with him. But after what just happened... perhaps...



"Can we consider this as the end of our fake relationship and the beginning of a real one?"

"Oh, Kong. I'm happy you say so, because your dad had already invited me to your Christmas family dinner and to his birthday."


"Yep, I think I should really learn to play golf."


Aaaaand the prompt "Dance" wraps up the #KongArtWeek2023, but not this book. See you on the next story!  😁

Stay safe💜

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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