Ch. 2: A Witch, A Warden, and A Goddess

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Luz, now 14 years old, sat in her backyard on the ground with her eyes closed. To her right, was a 23 foot long reticulated python, her pet named Titan, sleeping in the sun. She took deep breaths in and out, concentrating on the flow of nature around her. The wind blowing through the leaves, the sun shining on the grass, the animals foraging/grazing around the trees; Luz could sense them all and feel their energy flowing through her.

'Just focus... just... focus-'

Luz opened her eyes as the sound of car horns blasted.

"You would think that humans could keep it down!" Luz said, "Trying to meditate here!"

Luz went back to meditating. She took a breath and relaxed again, feeling the energy and life of nature around and inside of her mind, body, and soul.

"That's better." Luz said.

'Focus on... wait... that's not normal.'

As she mediated, Luz suddenly connected with a DIFFERENT type of nature energy. One that was...hotter, almost burning like acid compared to the rest of nature around her. Luz didn't know where it came from, it just POPPED up out of nowhere and Luz couldn't explain how. Luz got up and pet her snake.

"Titan, come with me."

Titan curled around her body and rested his head on her shoulder. Luz ran off, looking for what caused that energy. She could still feel the energy as she ran into the forest, following a certain path with the burning feeling growing stronger with each step. She saw a cabin with a glow coming from where the door originally was. She could feel the heat increase around the house as the energy she knew she felt before was coming out in waves!

"Titan... we're going in."

"Ssssss." The Snake hissed as he nodded at Luz, ready for anything when they went into the door.

Luz approached the glowing doorway with caution, preparing herself for anything and everything that might be on the other side. Luz let out a small breath and ran through the door. She ended up in a tent on the other side, filled with stuff from the Human Realm... she thinks. Some of this stuff Luz doesn't even know where to get it. Titan hissed a bit and Luz scratched his chin.

"I don't know, Titan." Luz said, "This place is definitely not Earth. It feels... off."

Luz heard a hoot and turned back to the portal, seeing a small owl fly through with a bag and fly passed her. Titan and Luz looked at each other.

"No, you can not eat the owl." Luz said, "It's probably someone's pet with how trained it is."

"Finally!" A voice said, "You're back."

Luz moved to the tent opening, seeing a woman with a red dress, gray hair, and wearing a bandana. Luz couldn't see her face yet, as the womans back was facing her. The owl got on a stick and the lady screwed it on, turning it into wood. The woman began to rummage through the bag.

"Okay, let's see."

She pulled out a phone.


She pulled out a ring.


She pulled out the actual Holy Grail!


Luz had half a mind to walk out there and smack the woman for throwing away expensive and a literal Priceless object, but she also knew that this was a strange world, and until she knew what was going on, she was going to be careful about this.

'Okay, I'm going to calmly talk to this woman.' Luz thought, slowly leaving the tent.

"Excuse me?"

The woman jumped a bit and turned around, showing two golden eyes and a small gold fang sticking out from her mouth.

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