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After her meeting with Josiah, Olivia was on her way to meet Reign and Fallon at a popular lounge.

Everything went great and according to plan and she was set to start expanding her business in the next coming months. If everything went to plan she would bring home someone to help take her mind off things.

The car came to a stop and she noticed they were at the front of the building. The driver quickly got out and opened her door.

"Thank you, go on your lunch break, I'll let you know when we are ready," she have him a pat and he nodded.

"Hello Mrs. Rose," the door person greeted her. "Hey, nice to see you," was her response as he let her though.

She walked to the stairs making her way to the VIP area where Reign and Fallon were sitting.

"Hey babes," she greeted both of them with a kiss and a small hug, she took a seat nect to Reign which was across from Fallon.

"How was it?" Fallon asked mentioning the meeting that she just came from. A bottle girl brought up a glass of wine and started to fill their cups.

"Great, we start expanding next month," Olivia giggled extending her cup for them to cheers. "Cheers."

"Cheers." both Reign and Fallon said.

Three men walked into their VIP section and immediately her attention went to the one in the middle. He had a very mischevious look on his face.

"Excuse me, this is a private section."

"Oh we know," the middle one spoke before they all ripped their clothes revealing their almost naked body. The only thing they had on was the male stripper underwears.

They all made slow strides towards each women. The middle one approached Olivia and the other two went towards Reign and Fallon.

He slowley started grinding his body against her. He lifted her body and placed her on top of the leather couch.

His smooth and slow dancing against her body was starting to turn her on. A low moan escaped her lips and her eyes closed involuntary.

Her eyes opened when she heard a giggle coming from Fallon who was visibly enjoying the show her male was putting on.

Not long after the dance ended and before leaving he slipped a piece of paper into her bra.

The three excited women sat for another hour talking about what happened not too long ago.

It was then that Olivia remembered that she did not ask Reign how her visit with Mr. Toxic went"Wait, what happened when you went to see him today?"

Reign blushed remembering how they went from talking to fucking in almost ever place in his huge mansion.

By the look on her face Olivia knew what happened. "You totally fucked him."

They all started laughing.

Reign brought the attention back to Olivia before asking. "The real question is what is on that paper he sneakily placed in your bra?"

While looking at both ladies, Olivia removed the papered and opened it. A smirk went to her lips and she flashed the paper.

"Ouu his name is Jason and his number is... for my eyes only." she whispered causing them to start laughing.

The three were a little tipsy at this moment, the constant refills were starting to take a toll. 

"I guess we're heading out now."

The ladies left the lounge and went outside where the driver was waiting for them.

"Remember that thing that we did, I know I said I would drop it but I really want to see him again," Olivia pouted giving her friend the puppy dog eyes.

Reign grimaced at the thought of hearing about her brother's sex life again. As if on cue her phone started to ring and she saw her brother's name flash across the screen.

"What Landon?" she groaned and Fallon's interest peaked when she said the familiar name.

Fallon furrowed her brows now interested in the conversation. She thought maybe it was a coincidence that the person had the same name as her boyfriend.

Well he wasn't her boyfriend, but she refuses to think otherwise.

"I told you I will be out of town, " Reign rolled her eyes at her brother. He went to stop by her house but she was not there. "I'm out with some friends right now I will talk to you later."

"Is she with you?" he asked being a tad bit nosy. That was the easiest money he ever made just from giving someone the best dick of their life.

"I'm not doing this with you."

His laugh could be heard from the other side of the phone. "You know I'm just messing with you sis. Be safe I love you."
She responded with a quick, "I love you too"  and ended the call.

"Who was that ?" Olivia asked the questioned that Fallon herself wanted to know.

"It's no one."

The car came to a stop and that's when they noticed that they arrived to the property. The three ladies split up to their rooms to do their hygeine.

Olivia removed the paper from her shirt looking at the number over and over again.

"Should I do it?" she asked out loud talking to herself.

Against her better judgement she typed the number into her cellphone and the only message she sent was her address.

She stepped into the shower running the hot water over her body. She ran her hand through her hair, closing her eyes as she started to reminisce about him.

Her hand began to explore her body and made contact with her very sensitive bud. The way his tongue explored her and how he had her driiping wet.

She snapped out of it when there was a knock on her bathroom.

"A certain someone is here," she heard Reign's voice causing her to speed up the shower process.

"I'll be right out."

After washing her hair and the rest of her body, she grabbed two towels. She wrapped one around her body and the other on her head.

She stared at herself in the mirror before doing her skincare. She used her blow drier on the highest heat to dry her hair.

When she walked out her bathroom she did not see him, so she placed her robe on walking downstairs.

He was sitting in the living room talking to Reign. They both heard her footsteps and turned the attention to her.

Reign gave her a thumbs up while smirking.

"Have fun," she mouthed to Olivia.

Jason atood up and pulled her into a hug, his hands roamed her body grabbing her butt.

With one last look at her friend, they both made their way upstairs.

"Let's hope he can take my mind off Mr. Anonymous."

Not edited

Sorry for the late update, next update will be the continuation from this scene.

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