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"When will you be back, Liv?" James questioned her as they stood outside the private jets.

The only reason he was here was because the blogs pointed out the fact that the two haven't been seen out together in a while. This was his way of dealing with what he called a "crisis".

Olivia on the other hand did not care for whatever the blogs had to say.

"Whenever I come back."

He placed a kiss on her forehead knowing that people would take pictures of the two. "Oh how I despise you."

"And I you," she whispered with the same amount of hatred. The two parted ways as he entered the car and she walked onto the jet.

"Well that was intense, you almost fooled me," Reign laughed causing Olivia to do the same.

Fallon was at the front speaking with the pilot which she did everytime they went on a trip. It was apart of her job which she took very seriously.

"You know, I was surprised when you said you wanted to join me on this trip," Olivia spoke sipping on the wine the flight attendant handed out to all three woman.

"I won't have to model for a while, so why not." Reign was not only a model, she owned several businesses and one was to help upcoming models.

She decided to take a few months off to get herself together, all the modeling and strict diets she had to follow was starting to take a toll on her.

The flight would take atleast three to four hours and Olivia always found herself going to sleep during her flights.

As soon as they landed, they were met by a driver who works for Olivia and her family.

"Hello Mrs. Rose, it's been a minute."

"It's great to see you Grey," she greeted him with a hug. Soon they were on their way to her LA house.

Fallon sat in the front typing rapidly on her phone. She had a smile on her face as she responded to Landon's last message.

After the night they had, she knew there was no way she could just leave him alone. It was a really small world indeed because Fallon met Landon when they were both in high school.

She knew he had two sisters but never got the chance to meet either of them.

They arrived at this huge house that she never visited before since this was her first time traveling to LA with Olivia.

Once the three entered the home, they were greeted by Nonna and the rest of the team.

"Hello Mija," Nonna greets Olivia with a kiss on her cheek. Nonna was her nanny ever since she was four years old. Once they moved to Atlanta she left Nonna in charge of the LA house.

"Hello Nonna, how are you ?" she asked pulling a way from her

She greeted Reign and Fallon before dragging them to the dining room where she had food prepared for them.

"I knew you would want something that reminded you of home, so I made you your favorite," Nonna said adding food to all three of their plates.

They all dug into the food enjoying the taste of the amazing home made dinner.

Olivia's phone went off and she saw that it was James. She ignored the call pressing the decline button.

"Are you sure your wife won't be back anytime soon?" the mystery woman questioned as James poured the two a glass a whiskey.

"Yes, I'm sure."

That's all she needed to hear before taking her cup and gulping the whole drink. She used her other hand to push him onto the couch.

She crawled on top of him and started trailing her kisses down his neck. He grabbed her neck and slammed his lips into her own.


After they ate the three separated going to their rooms. It was starting to become dark outside because of nightfall.

Olivia layed in the bed still reminscing about the day the unknown man took her soul. And with him also staying with her instead of leaving immediately woke something in her.

She wanted to see him again.

"I will see you again."

With that thought in mind she dozed off thinking about him.


Fallon dialed Landon's number for the fourth time, she was starting to become irritated with him not answering her calls.

On the very last ring he decided to answer.

"Wassup?" he asked as if he was talking to one of his boys.

"That's all you plan on saying to me, what's up ? I'm not one of your boys," Fallon spoke with a attitude laced tone. She was in disbelief because of what was curently happening.

"What do you mean?" Landon questioned parking his car in his drive way. He lived in a nice two story house but he was not home as much.

Most of the times he would be at work, at his parents house or with the bros.

"I thought-."

"I know you ain't think just cause we fucked you my girl now. Nawl shawty I need you to dead that shit right now," Landon said which came off very aggresive. He was not one that fancied getting in a relationship especially with girls who were so easy to fuck.

Without saying another word, Fallon ended the call and let the tears fall from her eyes. She stood up walking to the bathroom and wiped her tears.

"Why do you do this to me!" she screamed hoping no one heard her. Her tears started to fall harder than before and she grabbed a wipe from the drawers.

She wiped her eyes and started to do her morning routine. She knew she would not give up on getting him.

The next morning all three ladies were up and ready to start their day. Olivia and Fallon would be heading to see Josiah for their meeting while Reign was going to meet a certain man.

She didn't tell her friend because of the fact that in the pass Olivia described the relationship to be very toxic.

Reign told them bye as she left the long drive way. She gave the driver the direction and sat back texting on her phone.

I'm on my way- Reign

Ok. see you soon- DoNotUnblock

Reign laughed at the contact name that he was saved under. It didn't matter how much she tried to keep him blocked, she just couldn't especially with them being in the same state now.

Not long after the driver pulled up to the gate. She entered the code which she was very surprised he still hadn't changed.

The car came to a stop and she looked up at the huge house infront of her. As if on cue, his butler opened the door and she gladly walked in looking at the familiar interior.

"I bet you miss this place huh?" she heard his voice and a smile appeared on her face.

Behind her stood her ex-boyfriend Corey Jackson who was a well known football player. He was third pick for the NFL drafts and so far he has been doing great.

He wrapped his arms around her pulling her body close to his.

"I missed you," he said nuzzling his face into her neck inhaling her intoxicating scent.

"I know you did."

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