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Three days later and the only thing on Olivia's mind was still the mystery man. Even though she told her friend she would drop it, she just couldn't.

That is why she was back at the hotel asking for the guest who was given the other key.

"Yes ma'am it was given to Reign Love," the receptionist said after verifying all the information.

She told the receptionist a thank you before leaving the hotel. As soon as she left the hotel she was bombarded with camera flashes.

She rushed to her car and her driver quickly opened the door for her and then sped off. Her whole mood was ruined knowing the scandal that could happen just from her leaving a hotel.

When she arrived at her company, she was instantly greeted by her receptionist and personal assistant Fallon.

"Good morning Mrs. Rose," Fallon said handing her the coffee. She took a sip and sighed in content while knowing she was going to need a few to get her through the day.

They stepped onto the elevator and waited for it to stop on the last floor where her private office was located.

Fallon's office was also located on this floor and opposite hers. They both entered Olivia's office which had an amazing view of the city.

She sat in her chair and started to go through the paperwork Fallon handed to her. She was planning on expanding the company to California and she had her business partner ready to sign the deal.

Fallon excused herself before walking into her office. Olivia was so busy with work that almost two hour went by with her on zoom meetings.

Her office phone rang and she picked up the call.

"Mrs. Rose, I have Mr. Maelburn on the other line for you."

"Ok you can transfer."

"Mr. Maelburn, what a pleasant surprise," she answered with an enthusiastic smile.

"Quit with the formalities Liv," he said causing them both to laugh.

Olivia and Josiah went way back, she was also present the day he got married to his wife Naomi.

"Ok Josiah, how have you been and how are the kids and wife doing ?" she questioned. Olivia did not have any kids of her own and hoped one day she would have someone to take over the family business.

Her husband on the other hand, he had a young child which they have been keeping from the press. The mother of that child was one of his mistresses. There was no love in their marriage, after all they were an arrangement.

"They are doing fine, we just came back from Cabo and I decided to give you a call."

Josiah was a well known public figure, he was the head of his family's billion dollar company.

"Yes everything has been great, I will be in LA in three days, we can meet for lunch or something," she suggested. The sooner they signed the deal then the quicker the process could be.

They spoke for another ten minutes before bidding each other good bye. As if on cue, Fallon walked into the office with food from their favorite restaurant.

"So, how did that go ?" she questioned placing the food infront of her. Olivia stood up to wash her hands in her office bathroom.

The bathroom was similar to the one she had at home because she specifically told the contractors and builders what she wanted. She also had her own bedroom on her floor which she only used if she was ever too exhaused to go home.

That rarely happened.

"It went great, we will be leaving in three days to LA."

Fallon couldn't deny the fact that she loved her job, her and Olivia were very close so she always took her on all her business trips and even vacations with her best friend Reign.

"Sounds great," she spoke before the both digged into the African food.

"Mhm," Olivia hummed at all the flavors coming together. It reminded her off the first time she had it with Reign. They were both having a lazy day and decided to order take out.

The plan was to stay in bed and watch movies all day. That was also the day Olivia suffered a miscarriage and her husband was not there with her.

He knew about it, but he chose not to be there for her. She was very heartbroken, she knew that there was no love in the marriage, but it was something they both created.

She shook the thought from her brain and continued to eat the food. After they finished, they both washed up before going back to work.

Olivia was on her last meeting of the day when Fallon entered her office.

"I'll be heading out now, do you need anything before I go?" she asked her boss who shook her head no.

"No, thank you and be safe."

She bid her bye and left the building heading home.

On her ride home Fallon's decided to call Landon. The two were not in a relationship but they had casual sex.

"What's up shawty?" his deep voice said through the speaker. Just the sound of his voice cause a familiar feeling down south.

"I want to see you."

She could hear movement on the other side of the phone before a female's voice was heard.

"Who are you talking to?"

Fallon's eyes furrowed at the question before she ended the call now in a bad mood.

"Yo, what I tell you about questioning me. You not my shawty but yo ass stay tripping," Landon was lecturing her on what she just did.

"I don't care, if you're with me why do you need to be talking to other female," the girl sassed to him. He ignored her and started putting his clothes on.

"Whatever you say," he was not in the mood to argue with someone especially one who was not his girl.

He grabbed his keys and walked towards the door with her trailing behind him.

"So what, you're just going to leave?" she asked the obvious question.

"Are you blind?"

He drove off with her standing outside looking dumb.

His phone started to ring again and he ws surprised at the caller ID. "I didn't think you was gonna call back."

"As much as I didn't want to, I miss your dick," Fallon could be heard on the other side of the phone. "But if you did something with the other girl, forget it."

"Nah she was blowing me."

That's all Fallon needed to hear as she got ready for an amazing night. She grabbed her silk robe covering her matching lingerie and waited for him.

"i'm waiting for you daddy."

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