Twenty Four

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Jaxson's arm clung around my hip the entire night, laughing and joking with whoever came over and I just stayed in my own world, laughing when he pushed his fingers into me.

A couple months ago, I was begging for glimpses of this life. For the power I had here. For the party life and the familiarity. But right now, this was my hell. I had taken to counting the visible guns. The exits, the ways I could get out. I had been planning a great escape from the second I got here. Taking in the new locks on the windows that set off Jax's phone if they were opened. That's how I got out last time. He wasn't stupid enough to let me go as easy this time. If I got away this time, I was signing my death warrant. I needed to have a long term plan this time.

I spotted the girls across the room. The three of them sipping on champagne, staring at me. Very few people knew the reality of why I left. I'd spoken to the girls beforehand. If my life was ever at risk, there was very subtle clues we were to leave each other before we ran, a certain lipstick shade and mark in the corner of our bathroom mirrors, certain shoes in certain places. Things that would be overlooked by anyone who didn't know. But they did. And the looks on their faces told me they were as worried as I was about me being back. I gave them a big, obviously fake smile and they put theirs on too. I breathed, turning to Jaxson, and standing on my tip toes until I reached his ear.

"Can I go see the girls?" I waved my head in their direction as Jaxson looked at me.

"No where else." I nodded at him, standing back in my stilettos, and moving through the busy room to the girls.

"Smile and act natural." I whispered as they wrapped me into a big hug. "I'm okay right now."

"You sure?" I nodded.

"Heartbroken but okay." Livvy raised an eyebrow. "I met someone. Fell completely in love, moved in with him last week." The girls laughed in unison, playing their act as I played with my ponytail. "Is he watching?" Lara looked into her glass and nodded. "He's not going to stop. He put the ring back on my hand. Didn't even give me a chance."

"He's coming over."

"Oh great." I rolled my eyes. "So, I'm an auntie? That's a big thing." A hand sat lightly on my back and I turned my head to him "Hi Jax."

"Hi princess. Having fun girls?" The girls all nodded at them. "You look tired Penelope."

"Been a long day." I sighed. "Can the girls help me upstairs? I have loads of out-of-date makeup that I need to sort through before it makes me all spotty."

"Oh, a movie night sounds so good Poppy."

"Please Jaxson?" They begged and he looked at me, rolling his eyes and nodding.

"Fine. No one leaves the house without telling me. I've got the locks turned on as well."

"What if I need a cig?" He cocked an eyebrow. "Don't you dare lecture me on smoking. You had one when you picked me up this morning." He gave me a smirk, reaching down and squeezing my ass, slapping it gently then let go of me completely.

"You need a cig, you tell one of the guys, they'll take you outside." I nodded. "Go have fun. Take a bottle upstairs if you want. I'll sleep in the spare room if you girls want to stay the night." They all agreed in unison, Mia grabbing an unopened bottle from a nearby bucket and we headed upstairs without speaking to another soul. The second my door was closed; the girls were looking for bugs in the room. Something we'd picked up on doing as soon as I started seeing Jaxson.

"All clear." I sighed as Livvy sat back on her shoes, confirming it was all okay. With another breath, I collapsed into the bed, covering my face. "What was his name?"

"Alex. Pass me my phone, it's in the drawer."

"You can't text him Poppy."

"I'm not gonna. Jaxson deleted and blocked his number and all his texts and calls anyway. I have no record of his number. But he did leave me pictures so you guys can see him and you'll at least know why I'm so angry and sad and my god, he's fucking perfect." I held my phone up, showing them a picture, I'd caught of him stripping his shirt off whilst we moved my things then flicking to a selfie he'd sent me a couple months ago.

"Fucking Jesus." Livvy stole my phone staring at him. "The things I would let that man do to me."

"Trust me, the things I've let that man do to me." I bit my lip. "Have you ever had sex in an office on the 20th floor, in the window looking over a city?"

"I have." Mia smirked. "Well, it wasn't an office, but his apartment was on the 20th floor." I chuckled.

"He made me come in a meeting." They all slapped a hand over their mouth. "The first time we did it in the office, I literally had a puddle on the floor between my legs. All because I wore a skirt."

"Jesus Christ. We thought we had dirty sex, little miss pornstar over here's been fucking-"

"A millionaire CEO."

"JESUS CHRIST." Lara laughed. "Your boss?" I nodded. "Dirty bitch."

"I cannot explain how good he is. Not only in bed. Just in general. He buys me flowers every week. Books out whole restaurants so I can eat without worrying about people finding me. He's literally the best. I was so happy. And so, in love. We've been together since May. I told him I loved him like 8 days ago."

"Oh, so it's fresh."

"Very very fresh." I nodded, lifting the skirt of my dress so they could see the bruise he left this morning on my inner thigh. "Tell me how I'm supposed to hide this from Twat for however long. I can't keep him at bay forever. But I know for a fact he can't do what Alex did."

"That's what vibrators are for Penelope."

"Didn't need one for Alex." I sighed. "He's coming looking for me." I opened the phone tracker, making sure my right location was there so I knew he could see it. "He promised me he's coming. He swore he'd keep me safe."

"Ah. So, he's insane? Got it."

"No, he's not insane." I giggled. "Okay, maybe a little. He's brilliant. I don't know. I've told Cam to keep an eye out for him and keep him out of the way if he shows up tonight."

"Good call."

"Well, watching the love of my life get shot to death isn't on my wish list." 

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