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It sure as hell did hit me a few hours later. Walking into my building I was shaking like a leaf, absolutely terrified. I showered, ate and by 4am, I'd managed to exhaust myself to the point I passed out on the sofa. My alarm woke me up at 9.30 so now I was partially dressed, still half asleep holding a cup of coffee as I tried to work out why I came into my bedroom.

The morning after a shit shift like that was always a write off. I had luckily never had a night like that before a night a morning at the office. It was always Fridays or Saturdays so I could always sort my head out. Usually, I'd do a trip to the gym but honestly, I was too tired for it today. The one-day break wouldn't kill me. Plus, I needed to tidy up the apartment which was currently a tip.

My head snapped to the clock on the wall scowling at the 10:05 time when someone was knocking on the door. If Alexander was showing up today, I'd explicitly told him after lunch. This was barely mid-morning. I walked through the apartment, hoping someone had the wrong flat again. It didn't happen often, once a month or so. Someone counting floors wrong or not looking at door numbers. Idiots either way. But looking through the small lense I sighed.

"You're 2 hours early."

"Open up."

"I'm barely dressed."

"Now." I rolled my eyes, unlocking the door. Turning the first, sliding the chain off the second and then turning the key. I didn't even get a chance to open the door all the way before Alex was pushing his way into the apartment.

"Come in why don't you." I closed the door, turning the lock and putting my cup down on the side, reaching for the shirt I'd left on the back of the sofa. That's what I went looking for. I'd put it down whilst I made a drink and lost it. Idiot.

"Is it Poppy or Emily today?" I stared at him. Taking a few seconds before pulling my shirt over my head. "Hm?"

"It's too early for this." I tried to turn around for my coffee but Alex moved to me, pushing me up against the door by my hips. I was a little disappointed at the lack of his leather jacket today but the hoodie and denim jacket combo was giving it a good run. My only complaint is how loose it all was. Barely an inch of skin showing.

"Why the fuck are you working in a scrubby little bar on the south end of town? Do you have any idea the kind of people that hang around there?"

"Stalker bosses apparently. Can I have my coffee? I'm nackered."

"Then why aren't you asleep?"

"Why are you here 2 hours early?"

"Because I couldn't fucking sleep thinking about what I saw in the pub last night and you just kept working through it all! Are you insane?"

"No. I've got bills to pay and unbelievably the bar pays me more than the office does. Do you have any clue how much I make in tips alone?" He sighed, grasp dropping on my hips and stepping back. I grabbed my coffee, taking a sip. "I'm not lucky enough to be making 6 figures Alexander. I have bills to pay, savings to build. I have to do what I have to do to keep myself alive."

"So, you're there for money?" I held the cup still at my lips, staring at him. "Because I -"

"Don't even finish that sentence." I walked past him into the kitchen, flicking the kettle on to make him a drink. I knew for a fact I wasn't going to get rid of him now. He was stressing out as it was and he didn't faze me as the kind of guy who would say what he needed, leave, and come back in a few hours. Especially if he couldn't sleep. "What were you even doing there?"

"I came to make sure you were indeed out and not just blowing me off and wandered in. What are you doing?" He was practically pressed against my back as I reached up and grabbed him a mug.

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